This had nothing to do with Islam by the way. This has more to do with Muslims.

This was actually bothering me in the morning and I had a whole essay that I wanted to write but I don’t have the energy to rant.

This year, I got myself involved in a lot of Islamic subreddits and pages - from discussions on religious forums to following religious pages. I don’t know how to say it but it’s just taken a big mental toll on me. Like, before this - I was just a normal dude who minded his own business and then I found start doing this and find out that everything I’m doing is wrong? Like what? I don’t know how to write this but ill just state it in bullet points.

  1. Don’t be friends with the kafir - I don’t know about y’all but I have a lot of non-Muslim friends. I was basically told that while I have to treat non-Muslims friendly - you shouldn’t be friends with them. For me, I have a lot of non-Muslim friends and in fact, I have more non-Muslim friends than I do Muslim (obviously, I live in the USA). The reasoning is that they want to lead you astray but I don’t think this is the 7th century where non-Muslims want to deceive you by acting like friends and then destroy your religion. If anything, my friends and I literally talk about random things like cars, basketball games, etc. Also, they helped be more firm in my religion since they respect my belief and in some cases support them (religious conversations with your non-Muslim friends >>>>) as opposed to Muslims who either are haram police or are the liberal police. It’s weird being friends with non-Muslims for all these years then told you are doing wrong.

  2. So many small things are makrooh or bad to do - For example, I was told that even using the urinals is bad. Now let’s be clear, using the urinals is NOT HARAM. However, it apparently is makrooh/dislike and that this is the part that really got me - it can be the cause of grave punishment in the grave. However, it is only a grave punishment if you are careless and splash everywhere and fail to clean yourself up. For me, I have contamination OCD and if anything - standing while using the restroom is actually the cleanest option (and I make sure to wipe my private parts with damp toilet paper after I am done). Now I know the Mufti was just advising - however it just didn’t rub on me the correct way. The way I was told made it seem as if it was haram, when it wasn’t. Back to the main idea, if something is haram - then alright. However for things that are makrooh, please advice us Muslims in a better way. I know that Islam is a way of life but there are times when you are just nitpicking things. If you want to give advice - instead of saying “you shouldn’t be doing ____ or _”, they should say “it is better to do _ and _” or “okay you can do _ - but make sure to also do ______”. But seriously, what’s next? You shouldn’t be driving cars for it is better to ride a camel because the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did so? Come on man.

  3. Apparently so many more things are haram. Like voting - a lot of people say it is shirk. This really hit me cause we had local elections in my city and I was full on in election mode trying to convince my friends and family to vote. Then you are just going to tell me that Democracy is haram and all that? Like bro, I don’t even care about federal politics, I’m talking about local elections. Local elections are very important because they directly affect you in life - from having the city fix the potholes to flood prevention to property taxes. If you want to abstain from voting for federal politics because you believe everything else is bad and Shura is the only proper way, then go for it - not my problem. Then I had people telling me that even taxes are haram, like what? How else are you going to pay city employers and how else are you going to build and maintain all these infrastructure. Now whether taxes is haram or not, I don’t know - and I refuse to speak about this anymore because I am not a qualified scholar Also, I don’t know if people realize but since when is being patriotic haram? I understand nationalism is haram because the idea of nationalism in of itself is already very, very bad - just look at Hitler Germany or today’s China or India. However, people try to take things a step up and say even patriotism is bad and the only thing good is a united Islamic caliph or whatever. Like huh? First of all, I look at the majority of the Islamic world today and I don’t even want to touch it with a 10 feet pole lol. Only a few Islamic countries are actually doing well.

  4. Why do Muslims glorify poverty? - I remember posting pictures of infrastructure and basically giving brief descriptions cause I was bored. You know, since so many Muslim countries are 3rd world places where people don’t even have a decent quality of life - maybe post something nice and show that there are nice things in the Islamic world? Then I got hit with a bunch of negative comments talking about how its a waste of money or showy off or whatever? Now I don’t necessarily have a problem with this - rather I have a problem with the glorification of poverty by Muslims. I remember seeing a post on Twitter showing a picture of a small mosque in Afghanistan without a roof and saying “simplicity at its best, a humble mosque in Afghanistan” and it was literally a concrete structure without a roof. Then someone called them out (first time I’ve seen this happen tbh) and they get hit by Muslim Twitter with the “its barakah” and all that to justify such poor conditions. Yes, those people have strong imaan and getting great rewards. Though I’m sure they didn’t ask for those conditions and if given the chance, will immediately switch situations with someone else to have a better quality of life. These people are literally living in poverty and there are people literally glorifying it? Fun fact, being humble doesn’t mean being poor. We should not be neglecting the dunya as we don’t neglect the afterlife. I hate when people say deen>dunya but fail to mention that we should not neglect the dunya. Another time, I saw this post about a mosque in the UK being completely rebuilt. You actually had people saying that the old building was better and that the new one is not good bla bla - like what?! If you didn’t know it was a mosque, you’d think it was an abandoned factory! This is such a regressive mentality held by many.

  5. Why can’t people just like others be? Like, I am Sunni myself and I have no problem with Shias. They don’t bother me and I don’t bother them. So why do people, on both sides like to attack each other? Not only a Sunni/Shia thing but also certain groups. In fact, I think 90% of the wars and violence in the Islamic world can be solved if people can just learn to leave each other alone. Now for the persecution of Muslims in India/ China/Myanmar and a few others .. I am not an expert so I can’t speak on that. However, I think it is better for leaders of the Islamic world to grow a spine against this obvious oppression.

I had more to say but I think that is enough. I don’t know why but I just cared to much, from now on I’ll refrain from caring. Y’all do whatever you want - I don’t care.

Shoutout to everyone that helped me be a better Muslim on here. I know one of them is /u/AbuAdderall and /u/Huz647 and more. There were tons of y’all but I’m sorry if I couldn’t mention you at the top of my mind.

2020 I’m just going to focus on myself - including actually praying fajr, re teaching myself the Quran with proper tajweed, memorizing more Surahs so that I don’t go back to the same 3 surahs for my prayers (lol), continue charity, abstain from sin, etc. I make dua that other Muslims who want to are able to strengthen their imaan.

I also hope all the non-Muslims I know will eventually know that Islam is the perfect religion and convert yea? 🤪

I’ll probably just browse /r/Izlam once in a while. Though in reality I just get off of Reddit for 2020 and focus on my studies.

Anyways, thanks again guys.

submitted by /u/SultanOilMoney
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