Recent convert here, so there still many aspects of the faith that are unclear to me.

For instance. what exactly are the CONFIRMED methods of practising Jihad? I have heard muslims argue that everything from simply wearing a Hijab to more difficult things like spreading the message of islam (Dawah?) is Jihad, and so I am a bit unsure what is and is not counted as a form of Jihad. For example, I have been taking some time almost every day the last to weeks to practise Quran recitation. Is that counted as Jihad or not?

Long story short: I just want to get a CLEAR understanding, based on reliable Hadith and the Quran, of what is CONFIRMED by scholars to count as Jihad and what is not. I just don't trust my own judgment, and (I'll admit) not always the judgment of my fellow brothers and sisters. Unless it is based on clear evidence ofcourse.

(BTW, sorry if my username offends anybody. I made it many years ago, long before my conversion. I tried making a new account, but my question was not submitted for some reason, so I'll just do it from here.)

submitted by /u/happy_satan999
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