Hello. My name is Sophia, i am a european atheist.

A lot of horrofic stories about the mistreatment of fellow humans by islamic believers circulate on the internet and in news (and probaly old books too). Throughout the past week i read up on Islam, the Qu'ran and the pre-islamic/pagan history of south-western asia/the near and middle east.

Now, this is just my opinion, i mean no harm by what i am about to say but...

I am of the opinion that the head chopping/domestic violence problem is *NOT* due to Islam but people. Us humans. And culture, too, i suppose.

Correct me if i am wrong but nowhere in the Qu'ran is it stated that a man must beat his wife or kill his daughter. And nowhere does it explicitly say that "The unbelievers must be decapitated and brutalized". In fact, i think the Qu'ran says something along the lines of "If your Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters are under attack you must come and help them"/"You must defend synagogues and churches".

I think that the problem is illiteracy (the inability to read) and a general lack of public education in the "rural" near and middle east. It's basically the Bible prior to public litirecay all over again - When the bible was painstackingly written down by monks, in latin of course, and no one but the clergly could read or understand latin. People can be told all sorts of things and they will believe it because they don't know better!

Respectfully, Sophia. Happy new years eve, my fellow humans :)

Before anyone says "Well, what do YOU have to fear?" I'm bi and i have a girlfriend, i'm pretty sure that the Saudis would stone me >->

submitted by /u/EQUES_LUNAE
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