Salaam brothers and sisters. So recently, I have been facing some issues within Islam. I am a 13 year old girl looking to convert to Islam (inshaAllah). I have been learning about Islam for two years now. I think my mother knows I want to convert, even though I haven’t flat out told her. But I hint towards it, and everyone tells me “you’re too young to make those decisions.” Or “you don’t even know about Islam.” (Which I’d like to think I would after two years.)

Also recently, I have been hearing about some things Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did like wife beating, beheading people, etc. some of this may not be true, but regardless, it’s a very daunting concept to a 13 year old female that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) had multiple wives and would beat them. If anyone has something to say about these claims please, reach out and let me know.

Also, the niqab has been popping up for me recently. Since I do live in America, you never see a woman in a niqab. I know that wearing one is not required but it is sunnah. Only grown women (usually) wear these but once again, it’s daunting for a 13 year old girl. I feel like it takes away anything the woman has looks-wise, and I feel like it is slightly over the top though I do understand it. I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, if it does I am very very sorry.

Any help would be Greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/OliviaOsborneMunoz
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