Ok so after the let’s ignore the story of Adam and basically adopt evolution and “I don’t believe in Islam” but I’m Muslims thread.

I think we’re getting the point where this subreddit is going past the mainstream beliefs of Islam. Yes my own actions and posts on other subreddits are questionable, but this is at the end a Muslim subreddit. And I think threads past the consensus of scholars need to be taken more seriously.

When someone searches Islam and they find this subreddit. They’re going to judge it by the basis of the thread here.

And if someone rejects Islam on the basis of opinions that aren’t even mainstream? I think that will negate any good that’s come from this subreddit.

Point blank I’ve been a subscriber for multiple years. I’ve lost 2 iPhones and the Reddit accounts linked to them. But the more people added on the more it’s become “heres bad news of the day” (which let’s be fair after a certain point will be to much but we also can’t ignore the bad stuff in the world) and “here’s a fringe opinion 1 scholar has but no one else does”.

If it’s not part of the mainstream 4 madhabs or the equivalent there’s should be a sticked comment saying so. Otherwise it’s not a good reflection on the deen. And I’ll do more harm then good.

I could be wrong. What’s your opinions. This is a subreddit based on votes.

submitted by /u/readysetworldhit
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