September 2024
Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible, Song of Solomon 5:16 (Hebrew Version).


submitted by /u/Longjumping-Rain-367
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from Islam

My question is how can i know that it is Mental Illness, WasWas or Sihir? Also which are the best islamic websites for advive. Please help me brothers and sisters. I wanna know.

submitted by /u/ShawarmaRevolution28
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from Islam

This is not something I can ask friends as it may cause offence, which I don’t mean, so i’m using the anonymity of the internet here to ask an uncomfortable question. I have read the rules of the sub, and inshaAllah I am not breaking them.

The question, without sugarcoating, is; “Why are an overwhelmingly number of Desi people so filthy?”

And I’m asking this in the context of Islam and muslims specifically..

We saw people eat with their dirty, unwashed hands, even on masjid carpets, then licking their oily fingers “clean”. My wife complained numerous times of stepping on cooked rice grains in masjid al-haram.

We have seen with our own eyes of women wearing colourful attire (is it Bengoli?) casually dropping litter in the tawaf area RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE KAABAH, like literally the holiest place in the world, the house of Allah!

We see Desi people with ihrams that have stained brown in areas i would not like to elaborate..

General bad personal hygiene, bad breath etc..

I have also observed a great deal of things back in UK such as in a Desi mosque, a communal miswak for people to use during wudhu.. Like wat…

People wearing their socks to toilets… wearing wet toilet sliders.. like why???? don’t you go to masjid/your house with those socks??

This all just feels so weird and wrong to me.. Don’t we as muslims take great pride in our cleanliness?? Like we make of the West for literally having to invent perfume and having poopy bums, but for some reason a large muslim population didn’t get the memo about cleanliness??

The people who come to umrah who make great sacrifices, a lot of them very poor, who I assume are very pious, certainly much more than me, so.. why do they care so little about their hygiene?

And it’s not about socioeconomic situation as well, back in my country you can go to the most rural mosque in a village in the middle of nowhere and I guarantee you it will be spotless..

One hadith that is very famous in my country and that everyone constantly remembers is “Cleanliness is half of Imaan”.

Did this hadith not make it up to that part of the world or what.. I am so saddened to even ask this, but i had to get this off my chest..

submitted by /u/angarali06
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from Islam

I'm trying to learn Arabic currently and there's a lot of grammar, vocabulary and terminology I'm struggling to memorise, I've never been the best with my memory so it'd quite annoying. Anyone have any good tips to increase my memory and memorization?

Also please do make dua Allah makes it easy for me and for all of us trying to learn Arabic.

submitted by /u/Flimsy_Durian_167
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from Islam
Israeli soldiers speak about the Tantura massacre in 1948 submitted by /u/Nomogg
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from Islam

When i was younger i used to steal from my parents money or my siblings. Alhamdullilah i have changed now and stopped stealing. and i don’t exactly remember how much or what products i bought with the money i stole or what i did with it. My money was allways mixed with the stolen money so i dont know what part of the money i have to return or give to zakaat So i don’t know if the products I’m using are haram or not and im having doubts wether every product im using is haram or not what should i do?

submitted by /u/An0n-ymous
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from Islam

Hi… I’m going through something extremely difficult, something I never in my dreams imagined would happen to me. I can’t discuss it in more details. But these days, I just question Allah so much that why is this happening to me and what have I done to deserve this? What do you do when you’re losing hope? How do you get the strength to have tawakul when you’re going through the thick of it? I have always tried in my own way to be grateful to Allah for even the bad that’s happening… but it gets so difficult sometimes. I don’t see a life after it really. What do you do in those moments?

submitted by /u/Otherwise_Being2495
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from Islam

As-Salaam-Alaikum brothers and sisters i wanted to ask a few question about marriage and how you get there i have watched a few videos but i still dont quite get it. I really want to get married young inshallah but dont really have an idea how to go about it. I wanted to ask first of how do you meet a partner the halal way and how do you keep it halal? If any oh you can explain it to me or tell me a good video to watch that explains it well i would appreciate it

submitted by /u/_Muslim_9578
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from Islam

I don't know if the title can really explain what I'm trying to say but I'm trying to learn how to pray and I have a pretty bad memory. Im really afraid of messing up only to find out my prayer wasn't always said to "focus on your prayer and nothing else around you" in which I understand but, does a phone apply? i wanna have my phone at least Infront of me or below me for me to read on what I need to do because I forget what I need to say or what's the next step sometimes as I am learning... please help me I don't wanna miss anymore prayers

submitted by /u/dollysleeps
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from Islam

Assalamu Alaikum!! Recently on tiktok I have noticed some content creators posting saying to comment certain duaas under their post claiming “Wallahi it’ll come true if you comment”. For example I saw one today that said “Comment Oh Allah I ask you for Jannah 3 times and it’ll come true”. Just wanted some input if commenting is a form of making duaa?

I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question

submitted by /u/Illustrious-Sale-918
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from Islam


For example, say someone is granted Paradise by Allah (swt)

Can they relive their life in Dunya but in the way they want to. This probably sounds extremely confusing and random, but lets say this person had some shortcomings in dunya and wanted to fulfil a life they were never able to (maybe due to wealth, education, appearance).

Can they ask to be reborn but they live in their own perfect reality, where they can make no mistake, accomplish whatever they wanted, had as much wealth as they wanted, live all sorts of experiences, etc.

I sound extremely confusing and dumb but i cant find the answer since this is rarely asked.

submitted by /u/LoserDreamingWinner
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from Islam

Ubayy ibn Ka’b reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, I send blessings upon you often. How many of my prayers should be for blessings upon you?”

The Prophet said, “As you wish.”

I said, “A fourth?”

The Prophet said, “As you wish, but more is better for you.”

I said, “A half?” The Prophet said, “As you wish, but more is better for you.”

I said, “Two-thirds?” The Prophet said, “As you wish, but more is better for you.

I said, “Should I say all of my prayers for blessings upon you?” The Prophet said,

If so, your worries will be resolved, and your sins will be forgiven.” ﷺ

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2457

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Tirmidhi

submitted by /u/ibbisabzwari
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from Islam

As salamu alaykum. I'm really tired or this dunya. Sometimes I just wish I could sleep and wake up in Jannah. When I see our brothers and sisters die in Palestine I just wish I could die as a martyr and go straight to Jannah, but I'm probably not worthy of such an honor to die as a martyr.

I feel my life is not going anywhere. I'm almost three decades in this life with no real job (kinda), no wife, no house, no money... while some people I studied with have stable jobs, are married and even have kids...

I studied abroad (engineering) and I thought I would find a job quickly and start a life. Even though I was first of class I couldn't secure a job. I went back home and tried to find something but it didn't work. However I ended up going to another country for a PhD. During that time COVID started. I was alone, and everything didn't go smoothly with my thesis, with my supervisor. I felt into depression. I had lots or anxiety. I ended up going back home (as suggested by the International students office to feel better and continue later).

Back home, I continued to take some pills prescribed by a psychiatrist... After some time, I suddenly stopped taking them coz I didn't want to. I had some side effects but they disappeared. I didn't know if I should go back to finish my PhD or do something else. For the time being, I decided to do a 1 year online program and shift career (in my mind I was leaving the PhD behind ). After graduating from the program, I thought I could find a good job abroad and move there. I applied to several offers by I couldn't secure any job. I started to feel depressed and anxious again. My savings were diminishing and I was still living at my brother's house. Our parents live in another city.

I ended up finding an internship here which is lower than my degree level, and I don't really like it. Going to work feels like torture. For someone who is introverted, with misophinia, anxiety, depression... it's really painful to work around and with people: I have to do things and endure things I don't like, be around people while they make their annoying noises, take and make phone calls which I hate to do...

My university contacted me to notify that I would be considered a dropout if I don't defend my thesis in the following couple of months. I thought I had left it behind but when they contacted me I felt horrible because I couldn't do anything about it. This PhD and my supervisor caused be serious mental breakdown but at the same time I wanted to complete it but with the level of progress I did it would be impossible to finish and get the degree.

Today I haven't completed that PhD (it makes me feel even worse, like a failure, I wish I could have gotten that PhD, maybe I'd be somewhere doing great things that I like, building a life...) I'm in an internship below my level and I'll probably get a short term work contract after that, not as an Engineer which I am but as a technician. I feel bad because I don't have a position at the level of my degree which makes me feel less important and also it means I can't earn as much, which means delay in settling, getting married... I really feel I need a spouse. I feel so lonely in this life (even if parents and siblings are there, I still feel alone, I do need someone with whom I could share things, share my life, be intimate), there are desires also, and it is frustrating, depressing. Time is advancing and it feels like I will never get married. I even wonder if anyone would want to marry someone like me.

People have abused my kindness and empathy, they took things away from me. At 16 I left my home country to move abroad for studies and now that I'm back here, I don't feel well here, I don't feel I belong here, I don't wanna here. I want to move far away somewhere, far from people. Move to someplace I could find a good job. But I can't... I feel trapped like in a prison. I have no choice right now but to stay at my brother's house. I don't have money to move out. Also my savings that I have left, a family member took it from me, they said they'll pay back a few months ago but they didn't pay and I don't think they will pay soon.

I feel my life is a mess, wasted, I don't have a life. Sometimes I think maybe I did some bad choices (like not completing my engineering degree in a different university abroad...) in the past and i wish I could go back to do things differently, maybe things could have been better. People that know me, would because of my degrees, my achievings in studies, how I was always top in school, I'd find a great job, have lots of money, be somewhere abroad... but I have none of that. I feel like a failure, ashamed... I'm so tired of life. I wish I could just disappear.

If I didn't have Islam, I think I could not continue anymore. The truth is I don't know how to continue forward. I'm angry, tired, depressed, anxious... all the time time. When I wake up in the morning, I wish the night could have been longer. My chest is so constricted. I have no friends. I don't even have the strength to dream and wish for things at some point...

I don't know what to do

submitted by /u/misternoble
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from Islam

Hi all, My family have bought a cat 5 days ago (yes 5 days ago). They have already decided the cat is "annoying" and want rid of it.

The reason the cat is annoying is that it is too needy apparently.

I'm seriously concerned about the wellbeing of the cat now. My family are Muslim so I can't understand how they can feel its acceptable to treat a living animal like a toy that can be thrown away once you're bored.

Is there any teachings about being caring towards animals or cats? Anything about taking responsibility etc as I want them to see that the right thing to do is properly care for this cat and make sure it has a great life.

submitted by /u/hevvybear
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from Islam

I tried searching online for some explanations for a strong urge to pray for someone’s dead dad but couldn’t find any direct ones. I’ve been in on and off contact with a distant friend for a few years now and I found out their father passed away more than 7 years ago a year into the friendship. I thought nothing of it at the time as everyone experiences some form of loss in their lives. However, recently I came across the deceased’s social media and I cant stop thinking about it. I don’t know why I feel so urged to pray for him to the point that I did. I never feel as connected to those that pass let alone for the father of a distant friend I’ve never seen in real life. Can someone please help me understand what this could be?

submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Job3628
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from Islam

I feel like day by day i’m more prone to not caring about literally anything & it’s not j religion, everything in life i’m starting to feel disinterested in. Coming back to islam, Ive stopped praying for a long long time & i’m tired of always trying to or having the intention to start but always procrastinate, Moreover I’ve started to skip some jummah prayers aswell & the scariest part of it all is that i don’t feel as guilty anymore, which is actually pretty scary, is this a sign that Allah has given up on me? or is it the depression that makes me literally not care or want to do anything. Idk how to word it but i feel like im loosing my religion & constantly fail to try. I’ve even forgotten how to read the quranic verses in Arabic! Maybe it’s because its so normalised nowadays that makes you think whatever its okay?

submitted by /u/rejected2317
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from Islam

College started and I can’t pray during it. When I get home, dhuhr has already passed. I know I can simply pray it straight away when I get home but I just delay it even more??? Ik it’s a me problem but I just feel like if I miss the time slot for a prayer it won’t count or worth as much when I make it up

To clarify, I can pray dhuhr on certain days just not all of them. The breaks between lessons are five minutes. When I don’t have a free period which is most days, that’s when I struggle

submitted by /u/Bluetakiss
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from Islam

I am in my mid twenties and I have diabetes type 2, which has been mentally deteriorating for me for the past year. I have also been trying to keep it under control but failing miserably.

Whenever the thought of marriage comes to mind, I want to get married to someone but due to having diabetes, I start having very low confidence and end up thinking I don’t want to get married to someone as I’ll probably die alot sooner than my wife

These thoughts have been eating me from the inside and is constantly on my mind. What should I do? I am still in university, living with my parents and they are unaware I have diabetes.

Edit: please also suggest duas or anything I should do to recover from this emotionally. I do try to pray 5 times but idk whenever I try to think about this, it’s all blurry.

submitted by /u/chaiparathas
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from Islam

I went to hajj this year it was absolutely beautiful, I loved my journey there despite the challenges that come with this journey.

But over the past few weeks I miss my time there, doing Tawaf in harram and looking at the Kabbaa and my time in Madina, I feel like I left all my peace there and now I am just empty inside.

For those who have been how did you handle this ? Except for going back of course which I will inshallah next year again.

submitted by /u/UngratefulSourGrape
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from Islam

Abu Umamah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever recites the ‘verse of the Throne’ after every prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and entry into Paradise but his death.

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ lil-Ṭabarānī 8068

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

submitted by /u/Famous-Ad-3882
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from Islam

I know some people believe writing books is haram but this post isn’t about that

If you’re writing about real people, how do you do it in a way that doesn’t promote haram? Especially seeing as real people sin, they are unrepentant and often there aren’t consequences for little sins? Not exactly like you can put a disclaimer at the start of a paragraph, and especially if you’re writing a scene where a character is alone (no secondary character to act as the author’s mouthpiece) what do you do?

Any links would be appreciated. Jazakallah <3

submitted by /u/milkk1
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from Islam

ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ Asalam alaykum,

I am about to read an interpreted version of the Qur'an in English (translated/interpreted by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem) and would love other recommendations and tips on how to read the Qur'an, as someone not Muslim, properly and respectfully, and most importantly to avoid misleading interpretations.

I would love recommendations on accompanying works that give historical context around the Qur'an, The Prophet's (peace be upon him) time, and a general history of Islam. Please recommend books and resources OUTSIDE of the comprehensive list that can be found directly here on r/Islam, thank you!

General introductory works to Islam are also appreciated. Which scholars are to be recommended, and for what purpose/reason?

Works by scholars written in German, Italian, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese are also greatly welcome.

I am really excited to embark on this journey of knowledge!

جزاك اللهُ خيرً

Edit: added clarification

submitted by /u/Radiant-Brick-4931
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from Islam

I sold some counterfeit products and don’t mention the fact they’re fake . I used the idea that the product it’s self did mention the brand name so technically I wasn’t lying but obviously now I am really remorseful and scared of the punishment . What can I do to repent without having to tell them as it was a while ago and one of the people I wouldn’t be able to find at all due to me deleting the convo so I’d try to stop feeling guilty . Obviously now I realised how wrong it is but I’m feeling regret

submitted by /u/realgcomittee
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from Islam

Please help me please. Even if you want to call me wallahi I’ll give you my number. I’ve grown up Muslim my whole life. But I never really understood my whole reasoning of Islam. It wasn’t up until recently when I decided to do some research on Islam. I came to Reddit to see why some people left Islam for Christianity just out of curiosity. Wallahi the information they've been providing of why Islam is a false religion is very scary and convincing. Everything they are saying about our beloved prophet Muhammed ( pbuh ) is scary and how the Quran is promoting violence and false. Wallahi i've been crying so much and I feel so lost in this world. Yes, I do believe in God. But I ask myself, there are so many religions…why are we so convinced that Islam is the truth rather than others ? I've tried talking to ppl who are knowledgeable in Islam for answers. The imam, my brother, my sister. And yet I still have doubts. They try to convince me and it works for a while, but then my brain tells me if all of this is really true. I don’t want to die knowing I didn’t serve Allah/God the way he wanted me to. Why does no one else ask these questions ? We live our lives in this world and expect to choose which faith is the truth by following what our heart tells us…but in reality we are forcing ourselves that it’s the way of life. Please convince me that Islam is the truth wallahi I’m begging. Idc how long of a paragraph you write I’ll read it. My heart cannot take it anymore. Idk how long I have left to live in this world. I ask Allah/God for guidance…

submitted by /u/thatkidfrom225
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from Islam

My mom is a shunned Jehovas witness. She believes in God being Jehova but she hasn’t came back to her religion after being shunned because she doesn’t feel ready to change her ways and go back. I converted to Islam recently and my mom is one of those people that although she doesn’t practice her religion she thinks she has the right to tell other whether if their religion is correct or not and thinks that any other faith is witchcraft. I don’t think she knows about Islam but if she does then it’s the same wrong idea that almost everyone has. I am almost 100% sure that if I come out as a Muslim she will not respect me.

I am suffering so much with religious ocd and waswas my mom eats pork and touches impurities and then goes and touches me which makes me so anxious this has caused problems between us, she also complains about why I don’t eat pork (I lied and said it makes me sick), why I don’t like touching and being licked by dogs (we have many dogs at home), why am I always changing my clothes and locking myself in a room (this is because I pray) and basically my worship is compromised. I tried talking to her about Islam one time but I noticed she started to get heated saying “Jehova is gods name” so I stopped and didn’t tell her.

I know that the best way is dawah through actions but I am also starting to get depressed because my mom never appreciates what I do. She only sees the things that I fail to do or that I don’t do and never sees my efforts. Anything I do is enough to please her so that doesn’t work she says I’m disrespectful because when she touches me and she touched an impurity I freak out and I move unconsciously and she says I’m sassy (in a bad way) and I’ve explained her many times that I’m sorry but it was unconsciously I can’t control it so now she has a bad image of me specially since i joined Islam because I’m so scared of impurities and she is always touching impurities so I avoid her touching me and now I’m a bad daughter I can’t I want to end my life I want to run

submitted by /u/Fun-Barber5577
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from Islam