My mom is a shunned Jehovas witness. She believes in God being Jehova but she hasn’t came back to her religion after being shunned because she doesn’t feel ready to change her ways and go back. I converted to Islam recently and my mom is one of those people that although she doesn’t practice her religion she thinks she has the right to tell other whether if their religion is correct or not and thinks that any other faith is witchcraft. I don’t think she knows about Islam but if she does then it’s the same wrong idea that almost everyone has. I am almost 100% sure that if I come out as a Muslim she will not respect me.

I am suffering so much with religious ocd and waswas my mom eats pork and touches impurities and then goes and touches me which makes me so anxious this has caused problems between us, she also complains about why I don’t eat pork (I lied and said it makes me sick), why I don’t like touching and being licked by dogs (we have many dogs at home), why am I always changing my clothes and locking myself in a room (this is because I pray) and basically my worship is compromised. I tried talking to her about Islam one time but I noticed she started to get heated saying “Jehova is gods name” so I stopped and didn’t tell her.

I know that the best way is dawah through actions but I am also starting to get depressed because my mom never appreciates what I do. She only sees the things that I fail to do or that I don’t do and never sees my efforts. Anything I do is enough to please her so that doesn’t work she says I’m disrespectful because when she touches me and she touched an impurity I freak out and I move unconsciously and she says I’m sassy (in a bad way) and I’ve explained her many times that I’m sorry but it was unconsciously I can’t control it so now she has a bad image of me specially since i joined Islam because I’m so scared of impurities and she is always touching impurities so I avoid her touching me and now I’m a bad daughter I can’t I want to end my life I want to run

submitted by /u/Fun-Barber5577
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from Islam
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