This is not something I can ask friends as it may cause offence, which I don’t mean, so i’m using the anonymity of the internet here to ask an uncomfortable question. I have read the rules of the sub, and inshaAllah I am not breaking them.

The question, without sugarcoating, is; “Why are an overwhelmingly number of Desi people so filthy?”

And I’m asking this in the context of Islam and muslims specifically..

We saw people eat with their dirty, unwashed hands, even on masjid carpets, then licking their oily fingers “clean”. My wife complained numerous times of stepping on cooked rice grains in masjid al-haram.

We have seen with our own eyes of women wearing colourful attire (is it Bengoli?) casually dropping litter in the tawaf area RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE KAABAH, like literally the holiest place in the world, the house of Allah!

We see Desi people with ihrams that have stained brown in areas i would not like to elaborate..

General bad personal hygiene, bad breath etc..

I have also observed a great deal of things back in UK such as in a Desi mosque, a communal miswak for people to use during wudhu.. Like wat…

People wearing their socks to toilets… wearing wet toilet sliders.. like why???? don’t you go to masjid/your house with those socks??

This all just feels so weird and wrong to me.. Don’t we as muslims take great pride in our cleanliness?? Like we make of the West for literally having to invent perfume and having poopy bums, but for some reason a large muslim population didn’t get the memo about cleanliness??

The people who come to umrah who make great sacrifices, a lot of them very poor, who I assume are very pious, certainly much more than me, so.. why do they care so little about their hygiene?

And it’s not about socioeconomic situation as well, back in my country you can go to the most rural mosque in a village in the middle of nowhere and I guarantee you it will be spotless..

One hadith that is very famous in my country and that everyone constantly remembers is “Cleanliness is half of Imaan”.

Did this hadith not make it up to that part of the world or what.. I am so saddened to even ask this, but i had to get this off my chest..

submitted by /u/angarali06
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from Islam
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