April 2024

Hey everyone I’m a student that works at McDonald’s and lately I feel really bad working there since I don’t want to support the genocide at all. It truly heartbreaks me seeing what Israel is doing to palestine and never supported Israel whatsoever. I worked at McDonald’s before the boycot happened and I always liked the job there. Since I got paid well and the hours really suit me also I can get my prayers on time there since they let me pray. Many opinions online just online to be honest told me to stop and look for another job which I did I even quit but I just didn’t get paid well for the 2 months I was gone and couldn’t mix school with the other job so I applied back but I still have this feeling sometimes that it’s bad and I shouldn’t have done that. Can someone please tell me if working at McDonald’s really is bad as they say

submitted by /u/Itsjasmiej
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3pD4yHW

Salam, can anybody of knowledge give me a tafsir or Sahih Bukhari 2475? Does this literally mean if someone dies in the state of certain major sins, they die as a disbeliever? Is it more figurative? Trying to extend my knowledge, I would appreciate an explanation. Jazakallah.

submitted by /u/Either_Chemistry_806
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qbRraIM

as someone who wants to convert and born into a catholic household, I know it’ll be hard to reveal to my family I’ve converted to Islam. I wanted to hear other converts stories on this and how it affected relationships around you

submitted by /u/cowlapurga
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from Islam https://ift.tt/GMev2rL

Asalamualaikum, I am 18 yrs old and my parents have been married (arranged) for about 20 yrs. Since then they have not gotten along at all. Every single day they argue and fight with each other, over the most smallest things ever. So many times it's become on the brink of separation. I have 3 younger siblings and I always worry about them and their future, how they would manage if our parents separated. Please make dua. Please pray that my home doesn't fall apart. JZK.

submitted by /u/ComfortableInner9520
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from Islam https://ift.tt/K32isUv

Hello everyone!

I am an English Teacher in a mostly secular/christian country that has a sizable Muslim population.

As such most of my classes have at least 4 to 6 Muslim students (both male and female), one of the struggles me and a lot of my colleagues face with them is group cohesion. They often stick together and quickly freeze out non-Muslims. When they have a disagreement with someone they will often group up together against them (especially if they are non-Muslim).

While I can understand this from both a religious and cultural standpoint (stick by your own) and I am aware of the Qu'ran having certain teachings about friendlyness towards those who do not follow the Islamic Faith (I am listening through the Qu'ran right now as an academic/educational exercise). It is nevertheless a struggle as a teacher to include them in classwide activities or to get everyone to get along sometimes.

I am in no way trying to stray them from their faith or have them deny certain teachings. Nor do I wish to (as a non-Muslim) presume to teach them about their own faith.

Is there nevertheless advice anyone has on how to respectfully help them integrate with the class as a whole better?

Thanks in advance for any advice you might give me!

submitted by /u/BeardofDooom
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from Islam https://ift.tt/6UBVH95

I was born a Muslim but strayed very far away from Islam to the point of almost denying the existence of Allah but after a long time I realised by ways were wrong. I’m not sure if I have to even take shahada again but if I do I’m anxious doing it in the masjid as i was once a local there and no many of the people. So was wanting to ask you guys as you will know more than me if taking the shahada is necessary for me and if doing it at home is allowed.

submitted by /u/IAmNegan6
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from Islam https://ift.tt/XY8qbuB

I don't mean economically. If we talk about economic equality we have some control over it(of course not at all).

I mean genetic inequality. I have some bad genetic makeups and therefore I suffered all my life. All the time I felt bad in my life. I cannot even dream because of it.

Some people has good genetics. Therefore they will achieve most of the things they want.

But people like me always need to watch the world outside.

How islam explains this? Why god created us like this?

If it is a test? The test is iinequal itself. Some people need to answer 2×2 and some need to answer advanced maths. If I am wrong please make me correct.

submitted by /u/browhomakemoney0
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from Islam https://ift.tt/RwqQtS8

As-Salamu Aleykum.

Bismilah Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rrahim.

Have you ever seen those videos from "Imams" (spiritual leaders) and Scholars performing exorcisms with completely crazy and extremely questionable methods?

These idiots don't realize that they act in the name of us all as a nation!

There are not only Sufi's and Shia who practice such ridiciculous crap, i have heard of scholars who engage in such dispiteful acts from us Sunnites too.

I mean like a brother or a sister maybe could be suffering from a mental illness that has it's stems from psychological trauma or even an organic one, maybe an inflammation in the brain. And it's sad that so many people from our Ummah are so uneducated and make talking about mental health a taboo. Many stupid muslim parents send their children to such idiots because of problems they think are "jinn-possession" related problems.

It is very rare that Jinn take "possession" in humans occurs and if there is one, in most cases theres sihr done.

And if the symptoms of illness are really from this kind of nature it is easily taken care of with the Quran. Spells from a sahir are never stronger than the words of Allah himself. And this is how shaytan makes people commit kufr into thinking that the spell of a sahir which he spells in a few minutes should be stronger than an entire chapter of the Quran.

Those who believe that aren't just uneducated but dumb just aswell.

However i wan't to adress other problems too in this post:

  1. The people of our Ummah used to be the leading researchers of the entire world. Modern medicine, technology, biology like we know it now, all that derives from the ancient and middle age era of the muslims. We had books with instructions to perform surgeries and even receipts and guidelines for anaesthetics that came to the west through doctors from our Ummah and Knight Templars after some of their leaders recognized that medicine has nothing to do with magic.

  2. Do you recognize something just know? The christians back then never brushed their teeth and prayed to Jesus or Mariah to save their teeth while we knew that it is in our responsibilty to take care of our teeth and used Misawks (Stems from the Araq-Tree. Also called "Toothbrush tree", which is a tree that naturally contains fluoride. And while the christians back then blamed many illnesses to magic and the devil we knew that not every illness is spiritual. What happened now? Yes. Everything changed, what a shame! What a shame! What a shame!

NOW WE ARE BEING THE ONES WHO NEGLECT A PART OF OUR SOUL CALLED AMARAH (which is the logical thinking part of our soul) and instead choose to blame every damn thing to spiritual illness like disbelievers did in the middle ages. Completely let go of any logical reasoning and with that they bring harm to people. If the crussadors didn't burn the books our people of knowledge wrote, that where stored in the library in Andalusia in Spain, the world would've been much more advanced but they declared such things as magic and declined them.

In a metaphorical but also sometimes in a literal sense, we are doing the same today. And that's why we are declared as lunatics or people of low IQ aka. stupid.

  1. Many "muslims" don't even know their own religion and try to get themselves or their poor children "healed spiritually".
  2. They visit imposters who are nothing but scammers and wan't only the money of people. Resulting in unnecessary financial losses.
  3. They go to Sahirs (people who actually commit the sin of magic) and cause problems where there normally wouldn't have been problems.
  4. They go to such "Raqis" (healers) who pratice ruqyah with innovations and have nothing to do with Islam.

I mean Brother... Are you goddamn serious? Using a toy laser gun to "punish" shaytan? Or physically hitting the patient to "hurt" a jinn or even standing with full weight on the patient to achieve that goal? I wish i could laugh about that form of stupidity but this is just sad and frustrating to me. Those are the people who are the main cause for muslims to be ashamed of their religion. I wish they could see shaytan laughing his ass of while he sees that shit, just so they know that they are doing a big part of his work and how much of an imbecile they are.

  1. Allah doesn't change the situation of a nation unless they change what is inside their hearts. A few decades ago influental scholars had a Shura (council/ referendum/conference) and discussed whether they should continue to teach the "western" educational subjects and islam or islam only. And those imbeciles decided to neglect anything else and only teach religion and spirituality to the new generations. Look where it has led to, these exact people who used to think highly of us back then think the lowest about us now! They are proud of their kufr and many of us are ashamed about our religion. Not only that, but it led to significant political defeat and major social and economical damage.

  2. To the parents who physically abuse their children and blame spiritual illness on their child and everything else but themselves: Please first stop abusing them emotionally and physically, learn to reflect and ask Allah for forgiveness. Then ask your children for forgiveness because they have a soul too and Allah is Al-Muqsit (The impartial judge), Allah is Al-Adl (The one who is just), Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger), Al-Afw (The compassionate). Your child is not your property! Your child is Allah's servant whom He loves and Allah doesn't care if you are his/her father or mother. Allah will punish you regardless if are unjust towards your children if they don't forgive you.

And to those parents who simply do not care: My dua is against you! Because think about it. If your child loves you so much that it couldn't bear to see you getting physically abused by someone and would never wan't you to get punished, while you continue to harm them and scar them for life. People like me will in shaa Allah supplicate against your injustice. You are not only harming your child but later also society when it grows up. Some get chronic-depression for example, or get sociopathic as a result for their psyche who sees a necessity to get like that for survival. And both are serious illnesses of the soul that can lead to decisions which cause damage to others and then you'd get the same sin into account because you where the cause of the effects. Else Kabil wouldn't be held accountable for every human that is killed unjustly even after his death. So don't complain if your son becomes a thug or your daughter a shameless woman if you showed them more violence then love.

  1. This is the last point. We are all responsible, you as a beliver can change something. How? Just how you are reading my post, you can reach out to more people than the kings could back with just a platform and a smartphone. We all hold responsibility in our hands. Allah made it easier for us now than for the people back then. We are the best Ummah of all because we are the ones who encourage to the good and forbid the bad/harming things.
submitted by /u/Difficult_Figure_530
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from Islam https://ift.tt/u4ogfi3

Surely Allah forgives the mentally ill. I am mentally ill.

I’ve begged for death every day for years. The mental pain is too much just to bear, too much that no one understands.

I just hope that Allah won’t punish me but at the same time I don’t know what to expect from Him anymore.

Please give me a reason to not do it without saying stay patient and that life is a test, because this is inhumane. I definitely refuse to live the rest of my life like this.

submitted by /u/DesignerChef2970
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from Islam https://ift.tt/xB3m1N2

Sorry if this is a stupid question…. but I am preparing for my Umrah and was curious about the entry process as a revert and non-citizen. I don’t have any official documents saying I am Muslim (I don’t even think that is a thing lol). Have any other reverts here that are US Citizens faced any challenges when entering Mekkah?

submitted by /u/Thebrokerbabe
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from Islam https://ift.tt/81ghc5J
Every time you engage in a political discourse online you might be arguing with one of these guys submitted by /u/no-madmax
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from Islam https://ift.tt/KloeTvQ

What do you make of this article? https://abuiyaad.com/sn/muslims-antisemitism

From the intro: The word “Semite” refers to people descended from the ancient southwestern Asia and include Phoenicians, Canaanites, Akkadians, Arabs, Hebrews and some Ethiopians. The word comes from “Sem” the son of Nūḥ, from whom all these groups descended. Of the twelve tribes of Israel, ten were allegedly “lost” when their kingdom (Samaria) was taken by the Assyrians in 722 BC. However, this appears to be a way to conceal the likelihood that some among these tribes are found among the Italians, Armenians, Turks, Iranians (those that migrated out) and most of them are among the Syrians, Jordanians, Palestians, Iraqis. They would have subsequently became “Christians”[1] and then Muslims after the sending of Jesus (عليه السلام) and Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) respectively. Arabs are true “Semites”, having retained their linguistic and racial purity whereas European Askhenazi Jews are not, they are of mixed and diluted ethnicity due to a long history of intermarriage with foreigners."

submitted by /u/IslamTees
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tnQ7rFb

I always wanted to know if it is ever mentioned anywhere if the human is Allah’s favourite or best creation? Because when Allah created the human in jannah he told the angels to bow down and prostate to the human. As far as I’m aware Allah has only ever made his other creations to prostrate to Himself and to the human being. Also I think the human being is one of the few creations to be able to disobey Allah and to also be able to repent. Allah has created the test of life specifically for us and created the heavens to reward us and likewise hell to punish us.

submitted by /u/little_kid13
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from Islam https://ift.tt/uS7PHvC

Are passing wind without sound and odor really invalidate wudu? What your guys opinions about this?

There are hadeeth that state, “He should not leave his prayer unless he hears a sound or finds a smell.” (Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 137, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 361)

Syeikh Mukhtar Al-Shanqeeti, a prominent scholar and one of Saudi Council of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia, also stated that passing wind only invalidates wudu if there is sound and smell.

He stated "So whoever did not hear the sound and did not smell the smell, then he rules that he is purified, even if he doubted the exit of the wind and then prayed while he was certain that he was purified, then his prayer is correct. Even if the person expelled wind from him, but did not hear the sound and did not find the smell, then he prayed while his ablution was broken, but he did not hear the sound and did not find the wind, his prayer is considered a valid and valid prayer that does not require making up for it. All of this is from the mercy of God - I - and His grace to His servants"



  1. https://al-maktaba.org/book/31621/36808
submitted by /u/Ok-Cucumber5484
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from Islam https://ift.tt/xPgpuOc

Abraham had two sons, and I can't understand this. I've researched it but I'm stuck. I'm only asking for knowledge purposes.

In my studies, according to the Quran, it seems as though Allah took the prophet Ishmael and created a lineage of people. What prophecies did Ishmael make towards his people?

EDIT: This post is getting downvoted. I don't mean to bring you sorrow. It's just a question. Sorry.

submitted by /u/JesusDied4U-
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from Islam https://ift.tt/06PCdrQ

I am 22 years old and I am going through a lot of tests and trials in my life and seriously I have become heavy depressed. But ever since I started praying Tahajjud, I feel as though Tahajjud helps me to relax and focus more on Allah also it helps me get closer to Allah and its more spiritual and calming once you get the hang of praying Tahajjud. I usually set my alarm early to wake up for Tahajjud prayer and it has become a routine to wake up in the night and perform two rakats during each Tahajjud prayer and finish it with witr prayer. Though I pray with full conviction and ask Allah anything I want with full conviction, I feel as though Allah is not answering my prayers though I still carry on praying Tahajjud constantly with full conviction not giving up. Though I read that lots of people who prayed Tahajjud had their duas accepted instantly or even months later through his miracles whether its receiving a successful job, curing illness even if the illness is incurable, wealth and finding a spouse.

submitted by /u/Nolan234
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from Islam https://ift.tt/x53ekqE
was reading al baqarah when i stumbled upon this ayah

Surah Al Baqarah Ayah 83-85

ayah 85 is particularly powerful to me. in my opinion, it has a very 'pointing out the obvious' tone (cant think of a better word). like :

"..When they came to you as captives, you ransomed them, tho evicting them was forbidden in the first place.."

but yeah, a very reflective ayah, even to me. may those opressed gain victory over the opressors.

submitted by /u/notursenpai74
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from Islam https://ift.tt/WzG9L5u

Salam Guys,

It's in Quran that there are pure girls for pure men . And this verse makes mem very anxious. As I don't have pure past. I've done wrong things. Have been involved in girls, have been physical.

I try not to indulge in any such activities and ask for forgiveness from Allah. Now the thing is that I like a girl who's totally opposite to what my character is. Seems pure. Never talk to guys or anything like that.

Is our marraige possible? Will Allah forgive all my sins and write her in my destiny?

submitted by /u/28_abn
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from Islam https://ift.tt/CuM3bV1

I have a cousin under house arrest and he is obliged to stay at our house. He sleeps with my little brother and I am obliged to stay in the room. Now I am neither religious nor traditional. My mother is Russian and my father is Arab. to see him and when I leave the room I make sure with my brother that he is in his room anyway the question is, according to religion am I really obligated to hide from him? Not that I have a problem, I'm just interested in one more detail. When I'm with my family, I see him and say hello all the time, but it only happens there

submitted by /u/solispirinty
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Y2FjeWl

I'm a physically disabled person and can no longer pray while standing up but alhamdulillah I am able to pray sitting down, although I have to take breaks in-between rakats I'm still very grateful that I can tolerate this pain and perform Salah.

But I'm having a hard time focusing because of the pain and I'm just kinda of distracted, what can I do to be more focused?

submitted by /u/Pxrlia
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from Islam https://ift.tt/OHCgGfe

I, have been abused verbally, emotionally and physically my whole life by my mother. To the point where I'm afraid to move forward in life and start my own family because I fear I may become like her. For context, I am usually avoidant and compliant, I believe from years of gaslighting and manipulation. I have social anxiety which was pretty controlled when I was living away for uni but I sense it flaring back again now that I'm home. Even tonight, my mother screamed at me and called me filthy names just because I wanted to dress comfortably for my state board exams. ( I'm sitting for my dental boards in my country and I wanted to wear something loose to the exam so i can freely move my hands to work. She said she will not allow me to go for the exams that way, I calmly told her I was sitting for the exam and not her and that was the trigger) Yes, I yelled, I have my faults too but it was due to her provocation. I should have known better to hold back.

Thinking of my future I just think it's better for me to cut her off so I can finally prioritise myself and heal.I know in Islam paradise lies under your mother's feet. So am I allowed to do this? Or would that be a sin?

Just before writing this post I was thinking to myself that there's no point in living this way, without standing up for myself. I was feeling quite s--ci--l too, but I don't want to throw my life away and go to hell because of her. But if I continue living with her in my life that would be living hell for me. I don't know what to do. Pray for me and pray that I pass my boards.

Despite all, I love my mother, I can't hate her and it breaks my heart that we have to be this way. Whenever I see happy families I get super emotional on the inside, it's something I can never have in this life and that hurts. I would trade anything in the world to have a happy family.

submitted by /u/rattlesandcomplaints
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from Islam https://ift.tt/mlGLgYO

السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته

I don’t know how to describe it but something seems wrong with the attack of Iran on occupied Palestine .

I am not saying that Iran and Israel are doing a show together, this idea is dumb.

I just find it weird that Israel provoked Iran, because Israel threatened Iran from the get go to not get involved and Iran actually stayed on the side. So why would Israel attack the Iranian Building in Syria?

This behavior doesn’t seem logical at all

submitted by /u/No-Fly-6002
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from Islam https://ift.tt/RuDVBWJ

Assalam U Alaikum, I recently got Eidi (a gift from relatives in the form of money) and I want to spend it on a few books I’ve been wanting to read. However, my parents are not allowing me to despite it being my own money that I got from my relatives. Is Eidi considered as my own money and can I spend it according to my wishes? JazakAllah khair.

submitted by /u/purrfessorrr
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from Islam https://ift.tt/INVh7XY

I just can’t imagine Prophets or the Sahaba or the scholars going through depression.

Remember, depression is different to sadness.

I always look at myself first and see where I’m lacking, I’m definitely not perfect, but I do pray all my Salah, I pray tahajjud, I avoid all the major sins and I repent.

Yet I don’t at all feel Allah’s presence and I just can’t relate to the Quran and Hadith. There’s so much hope and optimism in Islam but at the same time it is causing me so much disappointment too. I’ve been depressed for like forever.

Thankfully, I know the cure to my depression. Allah knows the cure to my depression. But it’s a matter of Allah deciding to cure me since all I can do is tie my camel and make dua.

submitted by /u/No-Refrigerator2605
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from Islam https://ift.tt/UY5msnB

The reward for fasting Ramadan + 6 days of shawwal will be as if you fasted a whole year.

Hypothetically if I owe a years worth of fasting, and I do this will it cancel out what I owe or am I still obligated to make up my missed fasts

submitted by /u/Ok-Letter7665
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from Islam https://ift.tt/E5ZdRAJ
According to The Ministry of Ḥajj and ʿUmrah, 30 million muslims performed ʿUmrah during the month of Ramaḍān 2024. submitted by /u/sunflower3515
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from Islam https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/1c1jme9/according_to_the_ministry_of_ḥajj_and_ʿumrah_30/


This is something I wrote near the start - middle of Ramadan, (update: from what I know the doctors say it’s over-ish but I still believe he could stay alive, doctors gave him 3 days of time last time which were brutal and he made alive for 6+ days so I have faith in Allah.

Yesterday my cousin (who is in another country) had a accident he is underage interms of driving but that is normal in Pakistan (still wrong and I agree).It was almost iftar time and he was sent to bring samosas (food). During that he was going fast and ended a crashing into a tok tok, he ended up in hospital with I suppose 1.5hrs just being there in the ground and blood dripping

He was rushed to the hospital due to some people calling the ambulance. Moreover his family started looking for him and eventually found him.

With all this being said. His oxygen levels were at 5% with 3% being close to death (something like that I recall). The doctor has given him 3 days of time and chances of him surviving maybe less than 10%. I a request everyone to pray for him and his well-being, please he is around my age (around 15)

submitted by /u/Silent-Ad5519
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from Islam https://ift.tt/PIoRyCv
Salat al Kusuf

Please refrain from imitating the disbelievers by engaging in haram activities and neglecting your obligatory prayers during the solar eclipse. It is recommended for every Muslim to perform the sunnah prayer. May Allah show us mercy.

submitted by /u/Peaceisavirtue
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from Islam https://ift.tt/MZRi7yF

As-salamu alaikum! I'm a non-Muslim (I'm not very religious in any way), and my teen daughter has made the decision to convert to Islam. She will be going with a friend to say her Shahada at the mosque in a few days. I have been looking into Islam and trying to understand the basics for her, but do you have any advice on how I can help her? It's gonna be a big transition, and I'm so proud of her for deciding to make it. Are there any things that I should buy for her, things I can do to help her, etc? Thank you!

submitted by /u/Feeling_Response27
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Aaz4fwI

Pray tahajjud, do tasbih, say "Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni" (O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me).

Laylatul Qadr is better than 1000 months, and our beloved prophet PBUH told us to investigate it in the last 10 days of Ramadan, especially the odd nights. Do your best tonight for you may Inshallah be awarded.

submitted by /u/SpillingMistake
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from Islam https://ift.tt/jl4TZas

Hello all, I am interested in developing a deeper understanding of Islam as a non-Muslim. I am currently reading the English edition of The Clear Quran by Dr. Mustafa Khattab and am awaiting the arrival of two other books. Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings and The Fundamentals of Tawheed by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. Are there any other books or resources that I should look into to gain a basic understanding of the religion?

submitted by /u/BittersweetBerries
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from Islam https://ift.tt/4s2ucxK

^ as the title says 🥰

This is my first Ramadan taking my deen very seriously, last year and the years before that I didn’t even know what Laylatul Qadr was. I’ve been told many things about Laylatul Qadr, and how Allah SWT will accept your duas and it could change the course of the following year/s. I know at some point in life, we’re living in at least one of our past duas. So has anyone’s 2023 Laylatul Qadr Duas got accepted?

submitted by /u/barbiezzzx
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from Islam https://ift.tt/H0dFDfk

I’m not very religious but I like to play the Quran because I feel it kind of heals the energy around me. My cat gets excited she purrs and drools and lays on me and I can tell she really enjoys it…but why?? I know people joke about cats being Muslim but just looking for more serious information, I’m curious why she likes it and responds to it

submitted by /u/jazzinukno
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from Islam https://ift.tt/jHNqTYg