I just can’t imagine Prophets or the Sahaba or the scholars going through depression.

Remember, depression is different to sadness.

I always look at myself first and see where I’m lacking, I’m definitely not perfect, but I do pray all my Salah, I pray tahajjud, I avoid all the major sins and I repent.

Yet I don’t at all feel Allah’s presence and I just can’t relate to the Quran and Hadith. There’s so much hope and optimism in Islam but at the same time it is causing me so much disappointment too. I’ve been depressed for like forever.

Thankfully, I know the cure to my depression. Allah knows the cure to my depression. But it’s a matter of Allah deciding to cure me since all I can do is tie my camel and make dua.

submitted by /u/No-Refrigerator2605
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