Hello everyone!

I am an English Teacher in a mostly secular/christian country that has a sizable Muslim population.

As such most of my classes have at least 4 to 6 Muslim students (both male and female), one of the struggles me and a lot of my colleagues face with them is group cohesion. They often stick together and quickly freeze out non-Muslims. When they have a disagreement with someone they will often group up together against them (especially if they are non-Muslim).

While I can understand this from both a religious and cultural standpoint (stick by your own) and I am aware of the Qu'ran having certain teachings about friendlyness towards those who do not follow the Islamic Faith (I am listening through the Qu'ran right now as an academic/educational exercise). It is nevertheless a struggle as a teacher to include them in classwide activities or to get everyone to get along sometimes.

I am in no way trying to stray them from their faith or have them deny certain teachings. Nor do I wish to (as a non-Muslim) presume to teach them about their own faith.

Is there nevertheless advice anyone has on how to respectfully help them integrate with the class as a whole better?

Thanks in advance for any advice you might give me!

submitted by /u/BeardofDooom
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