
This is something I wrote near the start - middle of Ramadan, (update: from what I know the doctors say it’s over-ish but I still believe he could stay alive, doctors gave him 3 days of time last time which were brutal and he made alive for 6+ days so I have faith in Allah.

Yesterday my cousin (who is in another country) had a accident he is underage interms of driving but that is normal in Pakistan (still wrong and I agree).It was almost iftar time and he was sent to bring samosas (food). During that he was going fast and ended a crashing into a tok tok, he ended up in hospital with I suppose 1.5hrs just being there in the ground and blood dripping

He was rushed to the hospital due to some people calling the ambulance. Moreover his family started looking for him and eventually found him.

With all this being said. His oxygen levels were at 5% with 3% being close to death (something like that I recall). The doctor has given him 3 days of time and chances of him surviving maybe less than 10%. I a request everyone to pray for him and his well-being, please he is around my age (around 15)

submitted by /u/Silent-Ad5519
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