Are passing wind without sound and odor really invalidate wudu? What your guys opinions about this?

There are hadeeth that state, “He should not leave his prayer unless he hears a sound or finds a smell.” (Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 137, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 361)

Syeikh Mukhtar Al-Shanqeeti, a prominent scholar and one of Saudi Council of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia, also stated that passing wind only invalidates wudu if there is sound and smell.

He stated "So whoever did not hear the sound and did not smell the smell, then he rules that he is purified, even if he doubted the exit of the wind and then prayed while he was certain that he was purified, then his prayer is correct. Even if the person expelled wind from him, but did not hear the sound and did not find the smell, then he prayed while his ablution was broken, but he did not hear the sound and did not find the wind, his prayer is considered a valid and valid prayer that does not require making up for it. All of this is from the mercy of God - I - and His grace to His servants"



submitted by /u/Ok-Cucumber5484
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