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Can Hijrah be done in places within a country?

Instead of moving to another country, can you move to another place in that country where you can practice more easily? You do not want to ...

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"Why me?!” I often find myself asking, has fate led me down this challenging road? It is a question that echoes in the chambers of my heart. But then, the answer becomes clear, like a beacon in the darkest of nights. It is you! You, who is chosen, not by mere chance, but by the divine power of Allah.

For Allah, in His infinite wisdom and boundless love, has a purpose for every tear that falls from your eyes. Each drop is a cleansing rain, washing away the stains of your past, erasing your sins, and purifying your soul. Every time you sigh with a heart full of pain. Every time you hold in the pain to make others feel good. Every time you raise your hands in supplication, it is not in vain; it is a precious moment etched into the Book of Deeds, a testament to your unwavering faith.

And when you summon the strength to endure, even when every fiber of your being screams in pain, know that you are ascending. Your patience becomes a rung on the ladder to higher ranks in Jannah, a celestial reward for your unwavering determination. It's through these moments of temporary sadness that Allah tests you, preparing to bestow upon you a happiness that knows no end, a bliss that will be your eternal companion.

In your moments of doubt, remember this: Allah loves you, beyond measure, beyond comprehension. He sees your struggles, your sacrifices, and your faith. He chose you not because you are free from trials but because He knows you can overcome them. So, embrace your journey with trust in His plan, for in the end, it is a path paved with love, redemption, and the promise of everlasting joy.

A path to Jannah.

So hang in there, everything will make sense my dear sister🖤🫂

Fi sabilillah🤍

submitted by /u/Humble-Impact-7761
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from Islam
can someone read this and confirm is it legit?

I googled a dua for making wishes come true in my native language and I found this, but they didn't list the source. Can someone confirm is it valid or not?

submitted by /u/koalacopy
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from Islam

I am trying to find messages that I can send to my friends in Eid that are funny. I speak Arabic so there are A LOT of them in Arabic loll. Like telling them you want to end your relationship with them and then go to lower lines where they wouldn't be able to read it unless they enter the message where they find "JK Eid Mubarak". It doesn't sound funny in English but its soooo funny in Arabic:). Any suggestions for English ones?

submitted by /u/MoQ03
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from Islam

Mufti Menk explains in this video that if you feel angry, sad, complain about something negative that happened to you it’s a punishment… What if you complained and cried and even said negative opinions about Allah (openly, not just in your mind) for like 12 hours but felt remorse and did istighfar later??? Is it still a punishment???

I am scared help JazakAllah

submitted by /u/FriendlyDelivery6765
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from Islam

Hello everyone, hope this finds you well :)

I've had a question that I can't seem to find an answer to, so I've decided to see if any of you guys know/have an idea about this.

We all know the "uncanny vally", but it seems to suggest that humans developed this because there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.

But what is the Islamic take on this - is there even one? Why do we have this uncanny valley effect ingraved in us, like what is the reasoning behind this?

Thank you! :) <3

submitted by /u/FoxyThePirateHA
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from Islam