January 2025

I'm a non-Muslim in America. At my local grocery store, I would guess that roughly 25-50% of the employees, and especially cashiers, are Muslim women. I fairly regularly buy pork and alcohol products there, and every time I do I feel a little twinge of guilt if the cashier is a Muslim. Is it permissible in Islam for a Muslim to sell pork/alcohol? Is it even permissible to touch them? If not, is there an easy way I could be more accommodating to the employees? I know that on a certain level they've made the personal decision to work in a grocery store, but I also understand that sometimes you have to take whatever job you can find. Being a kind person is free and if there's a simple, discreet way that I can make things more comfortable for them I'd be happy to do it. But I also don't want to make things awkward or embarrass them.

submitted by /u/iamcarlgauss
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ma0K1N7

I am just here to share my own experience my and my current thoughts. I was born muslim, and have been surrounded mostly by muslims my whole life.

However, for my lack of faith or maybe my own laziness, I lacked in many departments. For the longest time I would rarely pray, skip fasting often during Ramadan, and just sin daily doing the most stupid things that honestly didn’t add any value to my life.

My girlfriend (I am 100% aware that it’s haram, but needed to mention for context), for some reason last week decided to start praying. I was really shocked as I’ve never seen her pray before despite both of us being muslim and honestly, despite our sins, firm believers.

That lit a fire in me, I got up and immediately prayed all the prayers I missed that day and prayed for forgiveness and for God to strengthen my faith.

Since then alhamdulillah I haven’t missed a single prayer and I have been very diligent about it.

Subhanallah guys when I tell you, I genuinely don’t want to sound like those Whatsapp moms lol, but when I tell you EVERY single problem in my life got resolved in the past 2 weeks, I am not exaggerated.

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, it is genuinely unbelievable how more at peace I feel and how happier I am now compared to 2 weeks ago.

I am aware that we are only human, and “motivation” to practice Islam can come in waves, but I am doing it this time with a sense of discipline more than motivation. No matter what happens that day I will at least pray all of my 5 prayers on time.

I am now taking steps to make my relationship halal, I have already spoken to her parents and we are planning our marriage insha’Allah

Even before I started praying properly, it is genuinely such a blessing to have been born in Islam. The values this religion had given me have taken me out of situations where I could’ve genuinely lost my life.

For anyone reading this that was in the same situation as I was, start now today, just pick up your prayer mat, do your wudu and go pray. Islam teaches us to be strong willed, caring, loving, faithful and compassionate. Nothing in this life will bring you peace more than prayer. And even in hard times, pray, this dunya is only temporary.

Allah bless all of you and Allah strengthen our iman everyday.

submitted by /u/keepitahunned
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from Islam https://ift.tt/h1Nmzbk

To preface, I am an agnostic and I have seen a post from somewhere in which the OP mentions how, within the Quranic taxonomy, there are four categories of people: believers, disbelievers, hypocrites, and those who have not heard of the message. But there is no mention whatsoever about "honest disbelievers," who, despite their best efforts, try to look into Islam and the truth objectively but still cannot wrap their minds around it. I can understand many of you will object to this and say "But if you search sincerely, you will find Islam". However, I feel like this is a dogmatic claim with a presupposition of Islam being true, and this could be practically applied to all beliefs. People try to begin their search for the truth and end up on different paths with no fault of their own. They might have some presupposed dogma, some sociological factors, imperfect information, etc. that may cause them to arrive at a different version of the truth, which is really human when you think of it. Do they still end up in the Islamic hell? Also, does the term kafiruun predominantly apply to disbelievers who know the truth yet deny it? Thank you very much, looking forward to insightful discussions in the thread.

submitted by /u/GoatHistorical6293
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from Islam https://ift.tt/DZy30lY

As Salam Wa 3eleikoum. So I (F) noticed when I was in the toilet that I had some kind of white spot on my underwear and thought yeah I’ll take it off when I’m finished. But then I totally forgot and prayed with it and realized after. But when I checked again I realized I couldn’t actually tell if there was really any nejassa or just my eyes playing tricks or maybe an old king of stain that stuck even after washing it . So now I am wondering if I should be praying Maghreb again or not? (Maghreb is already out)

submitted by /u/bryanfry
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from Islam https://ift.tt/nTHk9Bs

I’m female and have a few ear piercings around my ear different ones and have always wondered about nipple piercings and if it’s haram to get them. Obviously they wouldn’t be shown or anything but I’ve seen a mixture of views on this some say it isn’t haram and some say it is and some say it’s just disliked by some scholars. Obviously again they would be concealed and not shown or anything like that so no one would know but I was just curious in general if it is or isn’t. Thank you 😊

submitted by /u/Cookiemonster-098
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from Islam https://ift.tt/AHjXTqe

Assalamualaikum everyone, I just did zuhr prayer and in second rakah I forgot to do Tashahhud position so at the end of third rakah I realized then did it at the third rakah, then went to fourth and after fourth I did extra two sujood. Is my salah still valid? (Sorry if this is a obvious question or not I’m a revert and new to Islam)

submitted by /u/TrifleFabulous4869
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from Islam https://ift.tt/5GloUDv


What does Islam say about pre-Adamites & general life before Adam (AS)?
I reverted, though this question has lingered for a while... I don't ask it out of disbelief, instead curiosity, as I get myself acclimated to historical Islamic timestamps.

My apologies if the flair is inaccurate.

submitted by /u/Natural_Quality_6067
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from Islam https://ift.tt/d4xhbuZ

If I told you to tell me about your favourite person, you'd be talking for hours, right? If I tell you tell me about Allah, who is Allah? Would you last even 2 minutes?🌹🌹🌹 If not, then we really need to check our Emaan. Knowledge of Allah is the greatest knowledge of all sciences and subjects. Your Rabb has 99 names, how many do you UNDERSTAND? 🌹How do you expect to love your Rabb enough to leave that sin, to be consistent, to be among the people of Taqwa, when YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW your Rabb? 🌹

Honestly, GO. Get to know your Rabb. That's really dissapointing that an ummah doesn't know their Allah, their Rabb?🌹🌹

submitted by /u/Suitable_Swim9618
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from Islam https://ift.tt/1qDrvda

Hi everyone, I’m a 16-year-old girl, and I’ve been trying my best to live a modest and righteous life. My parents often tell me I’m the perfect daughter, Alhamdulillah, and I try to live up to that by balancing my faith, studies, and character.

I dress very modestly to the point that if I decided to wear the hijab, I wouldn’t even have to change my outfits—they’re already hijabi-appropriate. I make it a priority to read 10 pages of the Quran every day, pray all five prayers on time, and fast the three white days of each month.

I’m also very good at school, and Inshallah, I’m planning to go into dentistry school in the future. Even though I’m just 16 and don’t have much money, I still try to give to the poor whenever I can, even if it’s a small amount.

I don’t talk to guys at all, don’t post anything on social media, and I avoid gossip completely. I also don’t cuss or use bad words at all. I don’t listen to music except for the snippets that pop up on Instagram reels, and I listen to all the morning and evening athkar regularly.

Alhamdulillah, I’m not unattractive—if I wanted to date, I could, but I’ve chosen not to because I want to stay true to my faith and values. I’m focused on doing what’s right for my deen and my akhirah.

But here’s the thing—I’m not a hijabi. I often wonder: Am I still on the right path? Will I still go to heaven?

I’m genuinely trying my best to stay close to Allah, but sometimes I overthink whether what I’m doing is enough. If anyone has any advice or reassurance, I’d love to hear it.

Jazakum Allahu khair.

submitted by /u/Loud_Track_5659
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JcZhezR

I am a female and it has been almost a year since my nikaah. Before that, I was engaged for four years. During our engagement, I discovered that my husband had an affair with his cousin (from his mother’s side), who was pregnant at the time and she took pills and abort it. Despite this, they still wanted to continue their physical relationship. He only proposed to me while I was in college, speaking directly to my father about marriage. When I caught him, he apologized and sought forgiveness, and eventually, we got married. Since then, I’ve faced many challenges. His parents dislike me because I exposed his cheating to both our families. I find them disrespectful and lacking in values, even though they pray five times a day. They seem neither God-fearing nor modest in their behavior. My husband gives me a monthly allowance (30% of his salary), half of which I save by investing in gold for our future. However, his parents want that money too. For the past six months, I’ve been pleading with my husband to complete our ruksathi (the formal tradition of a bride moving into her husband’s home), but he keeps avoiding the topic. A few months ago, I found out I was pregnant. Instead of supporting me, he was scared to tell his parents and pressured me to keep it a secret. When I refused, he began insisting I get an abortion, saying he wasn’t ready for a child and that his parents would be upset because ruksathi hadn’t been done. The constant stress and lack of support from him led to a miscarriage. That night, I was in unbearable pain and begged him to stay with me, but he refused, fearing his parents' reaction. He even told me not to inform my own parents and left me to go through it alone. Now he says he doesn’t want a child in 2025 or 2026 because of the ongoing conflicts between us, yet he won’t admit that his parents are the real reason. His parents manipulate him emotionally—his father cries, saying I’m taking him away, and his mother stops talking to him whenever he visits me. Even though we live just 10 minutes apart, he only visits for a few hours before rushing back to them. When I beg him to stay, he refuses. I’m afraid he might leave me. I’ve repeatedly asked my father to discuss ruksathi with his father, but my father says, “You’re already here in front of me. Let them come and talk.” But they won’t. ( also after my marriage he’s constantly having business losses) recently he lost 50Lacs which he’s going through a lot) Now his family is planning to move to another city where his cousin (the one he had an affair with) lives. I feel stuck and helpless. Recently, I discovered I’m two weeks pregnant again. I haven’t told anyone yet because I’m terrified of how he will react. Whenever I bring up the topic of having a child, he tells me to shut up and not talk about it. My mother advises me to stay distant from him to avoid getting pregnant, as she fears he might leave me for his parents if ruksathi doesn’t happen. She worries I’ll end up alone with a child, making remarriage difficult. But I don’t want to remarry—I just want a loving, healthy family. And my parents are really amazing Alhamdulliah they have listened to me understood me and supported me, and I have a elder brother hes unmarried and my parents want him to get married too, but because of me being at home… he’s not thinking of marriage. I’ve complete my studies and not working… I’m torn. I desperately want this baby, but I’m scared of being a single mother and raising a child without support. Should I keep the baby and tell him, or consider an abortion since his family refuses to move forward with ruksathi? I feel so alone, and all I’ve ever wanted is a family of my own. also I have anxiety and overthinking issues and constantly health issues, and under weight too. Please guide me on what to do… Allah should be pleased by my actions…

submitted by /u/Kerala3268499
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from Islam https://ift.tt/aux5C0M

Salam my brothers and sisters. lately my life has been going down the hill yet i try to stay positive and put up a smile but sometimes, i compare myself alot to my best friend. her life is so different from mine. it’s like everything i want is in her. her studying a major i wanted yet couldn’t get into because of many reasons, the way she gets friends so easily while i’m struggling to even make more than two friends, the way she seems so close with Islam while i’m struggling, the way her life seems busy while mine feels so slow and just so much more.

i really am happy for her. truly. but as much as i am proud of her, i keep feeling that itch of envy and i hate it. it eats me up so much that sometimes i begin to tear up or even cry at the most random times. i know it’s wrong but what can i do to rid of it?

submitted by /u/winteryyroo_
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from Islam https://ift.tt/KBLrbv1

This is probably gonna stand as one of the dumbest questions asked, but my dad always said that "if you're gonna do something, become the best at it". And I'm aiming for the world championship!

I reverted a couple years back, after having had some tough years in prison, on drugs and homeless. And i ended up with s bunch of bad tattoos, anda few I did myself, and I'm kinda reminded of that even at the completely lowest point of my existence and completely inebriated. I still managed to finish all 3 og them. One is a rifle for my fallen brothers snd sisters everywhere i served regardless of flag. Second is a bleeding snowflake, symbolising how we're all unique both good and bad but regardless of how divided we are. We're wll judt gonna melt into the same afterlife and spend it in peace as one unit instead of a billion different drops just crammed over eachother. Stay together and we'll float easier.

3 is a cross i took with to of what was my best friends. It's a cross. Which they later used to promote neo-nazi crap that I stood behind for a while, as a stupid uneducated and thinking I knew everything about everyone. And I became a raging racist, anti-islam, we were even against the ones who had the exact same opinions but they let in Albanians, Croats, Serbs, and the fucking chechcens. And as a Bosnian it's my only task in life to hate most of them. Told to give them a chance which I did. Few days later they show up with Thai girls. They couldn't even be racists without messing up, I was with officially the dumbest people around.

I got out of that crap and changed my circle to the opposite around my own age who smoked weed. And after having been through 6 years of sexual molestation, physical violence st school wlth teachers more or less condoning it, and my only rolemodel was the angry ex-bully victim who became a kickboxing phenom and happened to be with the same club. So he brought me to a bar-hang (one club has an open house and everyone's invited. Small CC at the door we send 80% to charity and the rest went to keeping the house from falling apart. Suddenly i had a prospect vest and life was nice since you sign a literal contract with the club that ypu refuse to touch any substance other than alcohol or "approved supplements" which was prescription stuff, steroids and melanin. Then we went for the Europe run, and my chapter had more cocaine with them than I've seen irl. Even the national president said "Clubhouse rules aren't road rules". Snd the hypocrisy was like a kick in the taint. But scared of being alone and in bad stand (the club will attack you on site. Every single time, harass family, or fine you for the rest of your life".

I was in one the big 5 (Hells Angels aka HA aka 81, Bandidos, Mongols and The Outlaws aka SYLO aka 15) where this id usually how it goes unless you're going to jail or did something big for the club. Then they'll even be as friendly as you like when you're back. And we had a little situation where our national pres lives and someone shot at his house. I happened to be close by with another prospect, and whoopsie fucksy we pushed the wrong csr off the road and beat up some random 20 year olds.

I got 6 years in prison and did 4, 7 years sfter i took the shahada. But the cross still bothers me and i hate having to lie and say "i just liked it"... I know tattoos aren't permissible, but is there ANYTHING I can cover it with to permanently write over that chapter with a brand new one? Send DM if you don't want to reply publicly.

And I apologise for forcing you to read it al, whoever made it down here, you're the kind of friend everyone needs 🙏🏼

submitted by /u/Myzjtowskaya
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from Islam https://ift.tt/URj7qgf

As you might know that telling your sins publicly is prohibited or unlikeable in Islam and Lying is also prohibited. But what if someone asks. For example someone drinks But no one knows and someone asks him so you drink? So should he tell his sin? Sorry if my question sounds weird. It's just a thought came in my mind.

submitted by /u/DarkDare_Devil
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from Islam https://ift.tt/UAmZ7J3

Assalamualaikum! I have just booked my flight to Jeddah and am trying to figure out if I should do Makkah or Medina first. Most folks recommend Medina first but I only have one Friday to spend and am trying to figure out what would be a better experience. Would you recommend doing Jummah at Makkah or Medina and if so where should I go?

submitted by /u/badnissan
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qTmRYnx