I'm a non-Muslim in America. At my local grocery store, I would guess that roughly 25-50% of the employees, and especially cashiers, are Muslim women. I fairly regularly buy pork and alcohol products there, and every time I do I feel a little twinge of guilt if the cashier is a Muslim. Is it permissible in Islam for a Muslim to sell pork/alcohol? Is it even permissible to touch them? If not, is there an easy way I could be more accommodating to the employees? I know that on a certain level they've made the personal decision to work in a grocery store, but I also understand that sometimes you have to take whatever job you can find. Being a kind person is free and if there's a simple, discreet way that I can make things more comfortable for them I'd be happy to do it. But I also don't want to make things awkward or embarrass them.

submitted by /u/iamcarlgauss
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