Salam, the title is pretty self explanatory, before I start I'd like to apologize for the formatting I'm on mobile.

I've been trying to improve my imaan & pray , do dhikr & learn more about my religion. Every time I try to share something fun I learned , listening to Quran out loud , doing dhikr/reading/reciting out loud he mocks me, saying things like " you're not even wearing a hijab why are you trying " or " what's the point of you doing this " , something along those lines or simply just ignoring me . I heard a khutbah posted on tiktok a few days ago talking about how people are ignoring Allah sending them signs to strengthen there imaan through people and them brushing them off and it's planted a seed of worry in my heart for my younger brother.

Sorry for the bad english or if it was unlcear, english is my third language

submitted by /u/SalamanderSevere8637
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from Islam
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