So this year I am learning more about Islam. I want a hearafter, I only believe in one God I can't understand as an agnostic who once was raised as an atheist how God could have children like bible claims and be able to be killed by man. None of that makes any sense to me.

Islam so far has been the most straight forward religion of them all from just the basics. However there's more to what I'd like to learn, only reason I'm wanting to learn more now is due to my attempt of ending it all back in September but I didn't thank fully.

I believe there was a reason or even a purpose and I'd like to believe its part of a Gods plan. So if someone could help me please go into the right direction of learning I'd be grateful for it.

I know some members won't accept my religion if I end up chasing Islam may stop talking to me or make fun of it. But I no longer care for I seek happiness,wisdom and truth.

Any guidance to the correct step will be grateful thank you.

submitted by /u/Lanky-Leavethrowaway
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from Islam
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