This is not a comment on how things are going now, it is going fine, or if mods are doing bad. Mods have done great here and are doing their best at pushing it out, but I hope that it remains that way. When I look at the christian sub, I see a lot of doubtful christians asking questions of which are answered by agenda driven atheists and agnostics seeking to confuse them. This in terms just drive them away from the faith, now these might just be a handful of people, but even a handful of people, are a handful of souls. Now I do not care that much about christianity nor their own faith, but I hope and sincerely wish that we would never allow that to transpire here.

This sub is for muslims and for non muslims to ask questions, the people answering those should be muslim and remain that way. I hope that the mods keep this sub from influence of agenda driven atheists and other religious affilitaties.

May allah bless this community and guide us all to a better future.

submitted by /u/babaner1
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from Islam
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