Hi /r/islam, I'm struggling a bit.

While I was in college, one of my good friends was a girl, we meet each other while we were both studying IT and were part of a larger friend group of guys and girls who studied together.

In June she made the decision to convert to Islam and become a Muslim. We all supported her and told her that she would always be welcome, etc. Over time she's gotten more religious and a few weeks ago in October she started covering her hair.

This morning when I woke up I had a notification on my phone that she had unfriended me on Facebook and the other social media apps we use, and she set her profile to private. She also left our group chat. I was a bit confused and worried because I didn't know why.

I just talked with another friend who spoke to her, and she messaged me and we talked for a little while. Apparently she wants to avoid "mixed gender interactions" and she said that Islam says that women and men should avoid casual talks with each other to avoid emotional feelings developing. When I asked how that would work with us being friends she kind of paused for a moment and said, "yeah, it doesn't really work" and she said we should "go our separate ways". I told her that that was hard for me to hear because we've been friends for years, and this was her reply to me:

u/Top_Cartographer_786, I know this is kind of tough because we've known each other for a while and I've enjoyed being your friend a lot! But since I've become Muslim I've started seeing things differently. I think girls and guys being friends can lead to unfortunate things happening and I think it's just better if we avoid it. Actually I think this will be a good thing for you too even tho you dont know it yet. I actually think it's good for guys not to have casual hangouts or chats with girls, this way you can be 100% focused on your GF! Anyways I hope this explains things, if you need anything you can message me but please keep it focused, no casual chats

I honestly don't know what to make of this. Can someone help me please?

EDIT: of course I intend to respect her decision, I am just a little bit surprised and shocked because she has been a part of our group of friends for years.

EDIT 2: you guys are right, "ghosting" is the wrong word but i can't edit the title

submitted by /u/Top_Cartographer_786
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