The Guardianship of Allah is Enough For Our Loved Ones in Surah Yusuf

There are many of us who have been separated from loved ones and family members in these testing times. Anxiety for their situation, and the perceived time of return are two matters which are very hard to find reassurance for.

It happens that Prophet Ya'qoob (a.s) was actually put in this exact test for one of his children. He had to trust his older sons to take care of one of his younger children, Benjamin to go on a trip to Egypt.

There was always the looming thought that the elder brothers could lose him, due to negligence or ill motives. And we also can have looming thoughts about harm coming in the way of our distant loved ones. When I say distant, I am talking about those that have been separated from us by borders, or by hospital beds that we can't even come near.

There is a lot to think of when someone you love so much has been out of your sight completely. It's a different kind of pain that we are not used to. Because now you are no longer in control of the circumstances, and distancing can't be resolved by a simple plane ticket or some special privilege. At least for now. How do you find assurance in a time where no one can?

Prophet Ya'qoob has seen all of this, and felt it too. And now he was asked to give up control of his son by his side, not knowing if he will come back or not. This wasn't the first time either. He already gave up control of Yusuf (a.s) years before as well to his older sons, and he hasn't returned yet.

You would think Prophet Ya'qoob would cling to Benjamin as a result of his overprotectiveness at this point. Yet he makes a beautiful realization instead. He tells his elder sons:

Surah Yusuf(12): Verse 64

He places his fears, worries and anxieties from his own sons aside. He leaves space in his heart to affirm who Allah is. It is such an encompassing statement. He no longer thinks about all the fragile means that may or may not fail him, but trusts the truths that never did instead. Allah's guardianship and Allah's mercy.

"Well, it is Allah who is the best Guardian, and He is the most Merciful of all those that who show mercy". Eventually his reliance on this truth did deliver. Not only did Benjamin return safely, but Yusuf (as) as well.

And so this is a gift for us to hope in these dire circumstances. Perhaps Allah is giving us a reason to finally see what is it like to rely on Him when it comes to the safety of those we love. We are very privileged to have a pillar to lean on in these times, a pillar that others are tirelessly struggling to find.

Rejoice in Allah's guardianship that puts our heart at rest for what could happen to them. Rejoice in Allah's mercy that puts our heart at rest for their safe return. Insha' Allah.

فَاللَّهُ خَيْرٌ حَافِظًا ۖ وَهُوَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

{Disclaimer: This is a personal reflection on the established tafsir and meanings of the verse above amongst our scholars}.


Youtube: SomeMuslimKid

submitted by /u/somemuslimkid
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