April 2019

The world of beauty products is alluring, captivating and truly incredible to say the least. With the truly transformative powers that beauty products possess, we are sucked right deep into its universe. But beyond the hues and glitters of the cosmetic world, lies deep, dark secrets. And unfortunately, most beauty biggies are a part of the web. In this post, I will unravel 10 ugly truths behind beauty products that brands do not tell you, but you should know.

Truths Behind Beauty Products That Brands Do Not Tell You

1. ‘Chemical free’: How many times have you picked up a skincare or haircare product because it’s labelled chemical free? Because by seeing ‘chemical-free, we feel are treating our skin or hair to good products, that are better than the contemporaries. But sorry to burst the bubble, ‘chemical free’ in the beauty world is a myth. There is no product that is completely devoid of chemicals and hence brands lure you by adding ‘chemical free’ labels. In truth, some products contain fewer chemicals or less toxic chemicals, but can never let go of preservatives that ensure a minimum shelf life.

2. Animal Cruelty is still ongoing: Animals are considered collateral damage to the beauty industry. If you didn’t know, different animals including monkeys, dogs, cats, and rabbits fall prey to animal testing where they are subject to thousands of chemicals and processes that injure, deform or kill them. The ugly truth is that more than 100 million animals are cruelly tortured and killed in the process of researching chemicals for beauty products. In fact, some of the most high-end and fancy brands including Estee Lauder, Clinique and Benefit are not cruelty free. Animal testing is a cruel and inefficient procedure, considering how different animal physiology and biology works. In fact, what’s safe for a monkey doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe for a person. To go cruelty free, study the products carefully and opt for brands approved by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).

3. Yet to promote inclusivity: As a global community, we want to support actions that uplift everyone. Inclusivity in terms of body shapes, sizes, colors and such, is still a battle we are waging. The beauty world, for the longest time, has propagated the idea of beauty as ‘fair skin tone’, ‘sculpted cheeks’, ‘non-hairy’, ‘big eyes’ and so on. As a result, women were subjected to body negativity and self-esteem issues. With the world uniting to promote inclusivity and equality, we are hopeful this truth will soon translate into a welcoming beauty fraternity, with no stereotyping the beauty.

4. Lead in lipsticks: Millions of women across the world put on lipstick every day. In fact, being a lipstick addict myself, I am concerned that we don’t discuss about the dangerous chemicals lurk inside the tube. But Research by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found lead and other toxic metals in a surprising number of lipsticks. Lead in lipstick came into public light when the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics released the report A Poison Kiss, with the results from an independent laboratory that tested 33 popular brands of lipsticks for lead content. 61 percent of lipsticks manufactured in the world contained lead, with levels ranging up to 0.65 parts per million. The saddest part is that lead is a neurotoxin and can be dangerous at the smallest of doses, causing cancer, kidney and reproductive issues.

5. Greenwashing: As responsible and cautious consumers, we should be aware of the vague and misleading marketing terms on packaging labels. The most misleading term is ‘Natural’ and it may lead us to think that a beauty product is pure, made with natural ingredients and is healthy. This is known as greenwashing, but the sad reality is that label term regulations are not stringent enough enabling marketeers to write use these convincing and lucrative terms. Even if brands claim to be ‘natural’, ‘pure’ and ‘organic’ they might contain a cocktail of chemicals. So, we need to remove the false sense of security and do complete study of brands before buying products.

6. Not pregnancy safe: Different international authorities have reported that the everyday beauty products like makeup, shampoos, nail lacquers, body lotion, anti-perspirants and other personal care products contain chemical ingredients that lack safety data. What is even more concerning is that some of these chemicals have been linked to abortions or malformations in pregnancies. Realizing that an unborn child is susceptible to chemicals absorbed through a mother’s skin and getting it circulated in the blood stream, we should make sure we avoid these chemical laden products. This involves staying away from known carcinogens like 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde found in many common beauty products.

7. Contributing to charities doesn’t mean supporting the cause: The biggest lie that is propagated to us, unsuspecting consumers is that- beauty brands care about some initiatives and are ardent supporters of the cause. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While they often support or contribute to charities, they are themselves promoting the problem in discreet ways. Every October, we’re barraged with pink-ribbon products promoting breast-cancer awareness and research. Sadly, many of the big brands supporting these causes may actually be contributing to the actual disease they seek a cure for. Some of the worst offenders produce formulae with reproductive toxins, hormone-disrupting chemicals, and carcinogens, but project themselves as champions for women’s health?

8. Cancer can be caused by cosmetics: When you question the brands, the response is often there is ‘just a little bit’ of carcinogens in any given product. What we are overlooking is the danger at hand- these carcinogenic exposures are adding up, and we are falling prey to slow onset of cancer. Brands like Revlon, Avon and others are trusted by us, but are tricking us into purchasing carcinogen loaded cosmetics.

9. ‘Hypoallergenic’ and ‘Fragrance Free’ is often a myth: We all want hypoallergenic products and are happy to purchase “hypoallergenic products.” But the shocking truth is that till date, there no federal/international standards or definitions that govern the use of the term “hypoallergenic,” thereby permitting its misuse. In fact, manufacturers of cosmetics with ‘hypoallergenic’ on the labels are not required to submit verification of their hypoallergenic claims to FDA. Similarly, ‘fragrance-free’ doesn’t mean absence of scents, but instead these products contain fragrance masking agents to neutralize the scent (and that adds to your chemical ingredients)!

10. Scary environmental impact: Each time you add a bottle of shampoo or your favorite hair spray, are you reminded of the environmental effects these products have. Sadly, it is not something that jumps into our minds when shopping. The harm is manifold and scary to say the least. The cosmetics and toiletries when washed down the sink or drain are released in to the waterbodies, disrupting aquatic flora and fauna. Chemicals like phthalates, and these forms of chemicals are not commonly labeled on beauty products even though they are abundant in hair sprays, nail polishes and perfumes. These affect the atmosphere and soil too in multiple ways. Worst of all, the bottles we toss in the trash bin are often not recycled and end up in landfills or rivers and lakes, ultimately disrupting natural ecosystem.

The post 10 Ugly Truths Behind Beauty Products That Brands Do Not Tell You appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com http://bit.ly/2WhlTg4

This review is going to be on Clinique Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly and Active Cartridge Concentrate for Pores and Uneven Skin Texture. Keep reading to know whether it is a hit or a miss.

Clinique Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly and Active Cartridge Concentrate for Pores and Uneven Skin Texture packagingClinique Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly and Active Cartridge Concentrate for Pores and Uneven Skin Texture Review appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com http://bit.ly/2WgVHSX

TL:DR: My mom wants me to finish the Qur'an during Ramadan and her policing is making me resent it. I want to read the Qur'an on my own terms so I can love it, and Islam, again. Any advice?


I have a strange dilemma. I (21) am religious, as is my mother, but she is also narcissistic and abusive. Throughout this school year, I've lost a lot of my faith (i.e. religious, not spiritual) for various reasons, but have been making an effort to hold on to as much as I can. With Ramadan coming, I'm making a conscious effort to get back into a lot of my religious rituals (ex. consistently praying 5 times a day instead of slacking). One of the things I want to return to is reading the Qur'an.

Because of my mother's abuse, I have very negative connotations with the Qur'an. She used to scream at me until I cried and sit me down with her on the floor to read the Qur'an out loud, making fun of the slow way I read and belittling my voice. It pushed me away from it. Now, being 21, I want to reclaim the Qur'an and my relationship with Allah (SWT) for myself...only my mother is AGAIN interfering.

She is demanding me to finish the Qur'an in the month of Ramadan, setting my schedule for me and supervising me like I am a child again. I am a slow reader and cannot meet her demands of two or three chapters a day. Going from not reading it at all to finishing it in a month is incredibly daunting to me, and her policing is making it worse. I politely explained to her that I wish to start on the first day of Ramadan (she wants me to start earlier), and I wish to read at my own pace and time, but she said it is her right to police me (it most definitely isn't!).

I don't know what to do. Her yelling and her rules are making me associate Islam with something very negative and I don't want her to ruin my relationship with Allah (SWT) and the Qur'an. How can I go about this? How can I reclaim Islam from my mom?

submitted by /u/cameheretorant112
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2DI1gCz

I have been loving Flower Beauty since it was launched in Australia in an exclusive pharmacy. Although Flower Beauty products have been priced higher than US prices, these are still very affordable and always turn out amazing. None of the products have disappointed me so far. At a good price range of 9 to $15, Flower Beauty makeup products are tempting enough for a makeup addict. I have been looking for an orange-based blush and Flower Beauty Flower Pots Powder Blush Peach Primrose was an obvious pick.

Flower Beauty Flower Pots Powder Blush Peach<p>The post <a rel=Flower Beauty Flower Pots Powder Blush Peach Primrose Review appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com http://bit.ly/2VFUurd

I'm redoing my sitting room to multitask as a movie/prayer room. To fit the theme of a movie room, I want to go all out; blackout curtains, minifridge, obviously a giant TV. However I also want artwork. Looking through posters of my favorite movies, alot of them have either cartoon or real life people or animals depicted in the print. Some have a cartoon face or short skirts. Because some of these depictions are not allowed in Islam and I want to avoid them completely. However there are some I'm unsure about. For example, a black and white poster of the movie Jaws depicts a shark fin ontop of water and the silhouette of people's bodys, down below. The movie Halloween depicts a hand gripping a knife. A poster of Iron Man, but just his mask. A poster of the Hulk's hands. The cartoon version of Batman and Joker. What is permissible artwork and which of these (even if its all) is not permissible? What should I avoid when looking for artwork?

submitted by /u/madpandaswag
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2Les9UO

So the main issues I have right now are. 1. The hadith about there being 7 ways to recite the Quran. That really bugs me and I think most of you will know why. The reasoning that it was just different dialects seems wrong because theres a hadith about 2 Quraish arguing about it.

  1. If Islam is the right religion, I just feel like it's not fair at all to send someone to hell forever if religion mostly comes from parents. Like Allah should've given humanity more of a chance.

I think it really comes down to me feeling like if God existed, he'd give us a better warning.

I'm still Muslim and believe in Allah and Rasollallah, it's just really weak right now. Please help me guys. Thank you

submitted by /u/newcfchome
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2XW2jXi

As of now Idlib province is facing massive bomardment by the regime and their Russian masters. Pray for the people of Idlib that are facing incredible hardships. May Allah ease their pain and may Allah break the back of Assad and all his minions and supporters.

submitted by /u/Surah551
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2LbzhkN

I know he was going up to Mount Hira to spend time and reflect on his own. Are there any hadiths that state how he reflected/pondered/prayed? Did he just sit there and meditate? Did he make dua to God? Are there any specifics? I'd like to know as many details that exist about his time spent in Mount Hira before the first revelation.

submitted by /u/life180degrees
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2XWjJD8

I'm a young muslim that just recently started to get more into islam. I've never been taught anything about it from my parents so it it really shocked me when I heard that it's haram to keep a dog at home, that angels won't enter our home and that every day my good deads will decrease. I've had my dog now for almost a year and I love him so much and could not imagine giving him away. We live in a flat so I can't even keep him in the yard either. I'm afraid and don't know what to do please help me :((

submitted by /u/Loosable
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2vuzULV

السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ,

I had a question about an older sect of Islam. I recently read that there is a sect of Islam called the Ibriyah, and apparently they believe that the Prophet (pbuh) was a wise man but not a prophet. I've tried to do more research about this sect, but I cannot seem to find any information anywhere about them, other than that one belief associated with them. Are they even a real sect of Islam? Or just a made up one and the information was perpetuated. If they are a real sect, any more information about them would be great. Thank you all!

submitted by /u/mutaz500
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2vwd1re

Hi everyone,

The question of how to treat one's parent in the case of divorce is been sitting with me since my own parents got divorced (about 8-9 years ago). Unfortunately, I've never come across a decent answer so I'm just going to ask it here.

Without going into too much details, I'd like to understand how a child should treat his or her parent in case the two separate especially if one of the two was incredibly unfair and abusive in their treatment to their partner.

In the backdrop of the importance placed on treating your parents kindly and being supportive, how do you approach that one parent who was unjust & cruel. In my case, the unfair parent wasn't abusive towards my siblings or I. They were, however, a terrible and horrific life partner.

It gets trickier when we (the siblings) try and maintain a relationship foregoing (and not forgiving) the unfair partner's past and it ends up hurting the victimized parent.

I'd appreciate if anyone else who's gone through the same can share their experience and help me better deal with the situation.

P.S. I did not identify the specific parent (mother or father) because I want a genuine, open feedback.


submitted by /u/Bashkanalcy
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2PDruek

Sienna (696)

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette ($63.00 for 0.24 oz.) is a new, limited edition palette for summer featuring five warm-toned neutrals–all with shimmer–that performed well. I only had some trouble with the first shade, which was sheerer and a bit drier, while the other four shades were pigmented and easy to work with. If you tend to like more pearly finishes–shimmery but not metallic–you may find that this palette up your alley.

Sienna #1

Sienna #1 is a bright pop of peach with strong, warm orange-gold shimmer and a metallic sheen. It had semi-opaque pigmentation with a soft, slightly drier texture but it applied more smoothly to my lid than I expected–it almost seemed to “melt” slightly. The eyeshadow stayed on well for eight hours on me before fading noticeably.

Sienna #2

Sienna #2 is a bright, pale yellow with soft, warm undertones and a metallic sheen. It had opaque color coverage in a single layer, which adhered evenly and smoothly to my skin. The consistency was firmer to the touch but not stiff and picked up evenly with a brush. The eyeshadow was easy to work with and blended out well on my lid. It lasted for eight hours before fading a bit.

Sienna #3

Sienna #3 is a rich, rusty orange with warm undertones and a metallic sheen. The color payoff was opaque in one layer with a smooth, denser consistency that was firm but not stiff to work with. The eyeshadow melted against my skin, which gave it a smoother, shinier finish that was easy to blend out. It wore well for eight hours before fading slightly.

Sienna #4

Sienna #4 is a muted, medium-dark copper with warm undertones and a pearly sheen. The eyeshadow was richly pigmented and had a smooth, blendable texture that was more firmly-pressed (no powderiness) but not stiff or difficult to pick up with a brush. It stayed on nicely for eight hours before showing signs of fading.

Sienna #5

Sienna #5 is a medium brown with moderate, warm undertones and a pearly finish. The pigmentation was opaque in a single layer, which adhered well to bare skin and blended out without difficulty. It had a smooth consistency that wasn’t too powdery nor too firmly pressed in the pan. It lasted for eight hours before starting to fade on me.

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna #1 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #1 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #1 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #2 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #2 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #3 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #3 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #4 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #4 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #5 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #5 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna (696) High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Sienna #1 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #1 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #1 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #2 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #2 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #3 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #3 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #4 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #4 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #5 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

Dior Sienna #5 High Fidelity Colours & Effects Eyeshadow

from Temptalia http://bit.ly/2WeKSk9