I'm redoing my sitting room to multitask as a movie/prayer room. To fit the theme of a movie room, I want to go all out; blackout curtains, minifridge, obviously a giant TV. However I also want artwork. Looking through posters of my favorite movies, alot of them have either cartoon or real life people or animals depicted in the print. Some have a cartoon face or short skirts. Because some of these depictions are not allowed in Islam and I want to avoid them completely. However there are some I'm unsure about. For example, a black and white poster of the movie Jaws depicts a shark fin ontop of water and the silhouette of people's bodys, down below. The movie Halloween depicts a hand gripping a knife. A poster of Iron Man, but just his mask. A poster of the Hulk's hands. The cartoon version of Batman and Joker. What is permissible artwork and which of these (even if its all) is not permissible? What should I avoid when looking for artwork?

submitted by /u/madpandaswag
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