Hi everyone,

The question of how to treat one's parent in the case of divorce is been sitting with me since my own parents got divorced (about 8-9 years ago). Unfortunately, I've never come across a decent answer so I'm just going to ask it here.

Without going into too much details, I'd like to understand how a child should treat his or her parent in case the two separate especially if one of the two was incredibly unfair and abusive in their treatment to their partner.

In the backdrop of the importance placed on treating your parents kindly and being supportive, how do you approach that one parent who was unjust & cruel. In my case, the unfair parent wasn't abusive towards my siblings or I. They were, however, a terrible and horrific life partner.

It gets trickier when we (the siblings) try and maintain a relationship foregoing (and not forgiving) the unfair partner's past and it ends up hurting the victimized parent.

I'd appreciate if anyone else who's gone through the same can share their experience and help me better deal with the situation.

P.S. I did not identify the specific parent (mother or father) because I want a genuine, open feedback.


submitted by /u/Bashkanalcy
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