September 2023

I am a university student now in my final year. Alhamdulilah, in the start of my 2nd year my roommate got very closer to Islam which also influenced me. We are now trying to spread awareness of getting closer to deen in our University. But, there is an internal conflict between me going on. Whenever, I go to the public spots in our university, I see girls and boys in relationship which makes me kind of jealous. My roommate always tells me this is wrong and I know it is. But when I stay from such things, I feel very lonely. I have thought about Nikah but there are two things that bother me.

First, I think about how I am going to carry the burden of another person, while I am not capable of even supporting myself.

Second, I think that in these times no women would ever just say yes to my Nikah proposal, they will want to come in a relationship first to get to know each other.

What should I do?

submitted by /u/Character-Ad-618
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from Islam
Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour


Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour ($27.00 for 0.1 oz.) is a very light, brighter pinky-coral with moderate, warm undertones and a matte finish.

  • Semi-opaque pigmentation in one layer
  • Lightweight, thin, spreadable
  • Applied evenly, dried down with a slight emphasis of lip texture/lip lines
  • Long-wearing (4.5 hours), non-drying

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$27.00/0.1 oz. - $270.00 Per Ounce

The formula is supposed to be "feather-light" and dry down to a "flattering finish that lasts all day." It is described as "smudge-proof, budge-proof, non-drying, with no chalkiness or crumbling." It is a lighter-weight, thin, spreadable liquid lipstick that dries down to a matte finish that doesn't feel heavy nor sink noticeably into deeper lip lines.

The pigmentation varied from semi-opaque to opaque, but in general, they weren't as boom! pigmented as most liquid lipsticks are on the market. For those who prefer to sheer out or use this type of product as a stain, that might be a major plus. The texture was very thin but spreadable and easy to work with.

Most shades lasted between five and seven hours on me and felt non-drying over time. They wore away gradually/flatteringly, and they were resistant to transfer until a meal.

As far as a formula by Lisa Eldridge, I did feel like this particular formula wasn't as innovative or as interesting as past releases have been. It felt comparable to other, more modern liquid lipsticks that dry down to a matte finish that have been released.

Browse all of our Lisa Eldridge Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour swatches.



Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.


PPermanent. $27.00.
Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour


Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour ($27.00 for 0.1 oz.) is a deep red with subtle, cool undertones and a matte finish.

  • Semi-opaque pigmentation in one layer
  • Lightweight, thin, spreadable
  • Applied unevenly, dried down with slight emphasis of lip texture/lip lines
  • Long-wearing (5.5 hours), non-drying

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$27.00/0.1 oz. - $270.00 Per Ounce

The formula is supposed to be "feather-light" and dry down to a "flattering finish that lasts all day." It is described as "smudge-proof, budge-proof, non-drying, with no chalkiness or crumbling." It is a lighter-weight, thin, spreadable liquid lipstick that dries down to a matte finish that doesn't feel heavy nor sink noticeably into deeper lip lines.

The pigmentation varied from semi-opaque to opaque, but in general, they weren't as boom! pigmented as most liquid lipsticks are on the market. For those who prefer to sheer out or use this type of product as a stain, that might be a major plus. The texture was very thin but spreadable and easy to work with.

Most shades lasted between five and seven hours on me and felt non-drying over time. They wore away gradually/flatteringly, and they were resistant to transfer until a meal.

As far as a formula by Lisa Eldridge, I did feel like this particular formula wasn't as innovative or as interesting as past releases have been. It felt comparable to other, more modern liquid lipsticks that dry down to a matte finish that have been released.

Browse all of our Lisa Eldridge Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour swatches.



Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.


PPermanent. $27.00.
Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Fawn Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

Lisa Eldridge Jazz Velveteen Liquid Lip Colour

from Temptalia

I really cannot see a life where it gets better. I want to make my parents happy but for what they will die eventually so what's the point. I believe in God, I believe there might be smth for me after this life if I keep praying and doing well by my religion. But it's impossible how much hardship and pain I'm going throught and I don't see it getting any better. I really don't know when was the last time I had peace of mind, people are nice to me people are kind to me but I still feel like shit everyday, I am always anxious and longing for the past, my head hurts 50 percent of the time. The only time I feel comfortable is asleep. I am not gonna end my life or anth but I feel like I'm one mishap away from just accepting that life is shit. People have adviced me. I feel hopeless and tired. I feel like I don't have the motivation to work hard and it's never going to come. I don't even want to work hard. I am lost . I am losing it. I feel like shit. every day. maybe I'll get distracted by something for a while but then as soon as my head works again it's over and my day returns to shit. I don't know anymore. As I said I am not going to do abth pain wise to myself just because I can't. I talk to people. I really want to send this to my mom but it will make her worry so much considering I'm so far away, I really don't know. I really don't. Anxiousness about the future is something I deal with every minute of every day. I cannot live in the present I am either reminiscing about the past or being piss scared about what's to come. Maybe I'm too anxious about a test result but at the same time, I feel like it's not going to get any better even if I pass it. I really don't know. Life is hard, the hardships don't make the good moments better it is never worth it. I am seriously done. I feel like it's not right that most of my life is spent in hardship, I feel like it's not right that I'm unhappy more times than I am happy. I feel like it's not right that people worse than me, and I mean objectively worse than me, can be so easy going. I really love my parents they're my everything and I don't know I feel like shit. Overcoming hardship is a relief. That's it. A short dopamine kick. Then it's back to shithouse.Even if I do work out with everything and manage to give my parents a good life, what happens after they die? I will have no purpose , I don't even have a purpose now. I am just a cry baby. I don't wanna cry and complain. I hate it. I want to be a man. I don't care if it's toxic. I just don't want to cry and bitch. My parents have loved me and gave me everything, is it because it looks like I'm about to fail at giving them back that I feel like shit, my siblings will do and have done so much for my sake, I shouldn't feel like this but I do. and by feeling like this im alr a burden to them. even if they want to deny it. it's a loop. that seems like I'm gonna be in forever. I don't get it . I really don't. I have friends but I still feel like shit. I shouldn't feel like this I pray 5 times , my belief in Allah is strong, I read quran and still I can't help it. I really just feel unlucky and I would really like it to end.

submitted by /u/mahmoudagi
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from Islam


I was having this conversation with a friend and I answered that we were asked to be born/take the test and said yes, which I found from a source a long time ago. I was doing research today and really only found one video sheikh Assim al Hakeem where he referenced 33:72 and mentions prophet adam was asked, he said yes and from that the human race began.

Has anyone else researched this topic and found good answers?

submitted by /u/Reagorn
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from Islam

I am unable to have conversations with Muslim brothers or sisters.

I grew up in non-practicing Shia family from Iran and we never really used the words “assalamualaikum” and “walaikumSalam.” They were seen as too formal and you’d get mocked for being a ‘sheikh’ or if your are woman; ‘mary, the virgin.’

So it’s really unnatural for me to use those Arabic terms (e.g jazakallah khair, allahummabarik, mashallah, inshallah) among other people, especially family members!

When talking to another Muslim brother or sister and they use these Arabic terms; I can see that they’re waiting to hear the response, but I instantly freeze. I blank out and proceed to respond with “thanks!” in an obnoxiously white-washed tone.

Afterwards, I feel embarrassed and frustrated at myself. How do I combat this?

edit: And how do you feel when someone doesn’t respond to your Salam?

submitted by /u/tarqzic
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from Islam
ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

Angel Vibes

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix ($8.00 for 0.04 oz.) is a very light, yellowed peach with warmer undertones and a bright, metallic sheen.

  • Opaque color payoff in one stroke
  • Lightly creamy, lightweight, thin but not firm/dry
  • Applied evenly and blended out well before setting
  • Average-wearing (6.5 hours before creasing faintly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$8.00/0.04 oz. - $200.00 Per Ounce

The formula is described as "ulta-pigmented" and "long-lasting" that can be used as "a shadow, a base, [or] as a liner." There is a built-in sharpener on the opposite end.

The updated twist-up pencil eyeshadow formula is creamier, more pigmented, and performed more consistently across the board than the original Colour Stix, which were all over the place with performance. The only issue I had with the Shadow Stix is they weren't long-wearing on me; they had a tendency to fade between six and seven hours and some were mostly gone by nine hours. They were better wearing with a primer underneath or if they were set with powder (so used as a base).

They were creamy and comfortable to work with on the lid, and they had enough give and blendability to work well with fingertips or a brush to diffuse the edges of on the skin. I felt like it was incredibly easy to just buff and pat the edges for an all-over lid color, which was nice given about half the range were various neutral tones.

Browse all of our ColourPop Shadow Stix swatches.

Angel Vibes

LELimited Edition. $8.00.
ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

So Celestial

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix ($8.00 for 0.04 oz.) is a blackened taupe-brown base with flecks of lavender and bronze sparkle.

  • Nearly opaque color payoff in one stroke
  • Lightly creamy, lightweight, thin but not firm/dry
  • Applied evenly and blended out well before setting
  • Average-wearing (6.5 hours before creasing faintly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$8.00/0.04 oz. - $200.00 Per Ounce

The formula is described as "ulta-pigmented" and "long-lasting" that can be used as "a shadow, a base, [or] as a liner." There is a built-in sharpener on the opposite end.

The updated twist-up pencil eyeshadow formula is creamier, more pigmented, and performed more consistently across the board than the original Colour Stix, which were all over the place with performance. The only issue I had with the Shadow Stix is they weren't long-wearing on me; they had a tendency to fade between six and seven hours and some were mostly gone by nine hours. They were better wearing with a primer underneath or if they were set with powder (so used as a base).

They were creamy and comfortable to work with on the lid, and they had enough give and blendability to work well with fingertips or a brush to diffuse the edges of on the skin. I felt like it was incredibly easy to just buff and pat the edges for an all-over lid color, which was nice given about half the range were various neutral tones.

Browse all of our ColourPop Shadow Stix swatches.

So Celestial

LELimited Edition. $8.00.
ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

Gimme a Sign

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix ($8.00 for 0.04 oz.) is a brighter, medium-dark orange with warm undertones and a matte finish.

  • Opaque color payoff in one stroke
  • Lightly creamy, lightweight, thin but not firm/dry
  • Applied evenly and blended out well before setting
  • Average-wearing (6.5 hours before creasing faintly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$8.00/0.04 oz. - $200.00 Per Ounce

The formula is described as "ulta-pigmented" and "long-lasting" that can be used as "a shadow, a base, [or] as a liner." There is a built-in sharpener on the opposite end.

The updated twist-up pencil eyeshadow formula is creamier, more pigmented, and performed more consistently across the board than the original Colour Stix, which were all over the place with performance. The only issue I had with the Shadow Stix is they weren't long-wearing on me; they had a tendency to fade between six and seven hours and some were mostly gone by nine hours. They were better wearing with a primer underneath or if they were set with powder (so used as a base).

They were creamy and comfortable to work with on the lid, and they had enough give and blendability to work well with fingertips or a brush to diffuse the edges of on the skin. I felt like it was incredibly easy to just buff and pat the edges for an all-over lid color, which was nice given about half the range were various neutral tones.

Browse all of our ColourPop Shadow Stix swatches.

Gimme a Sign

LELimited Edition. $8.00.
ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop Angel Vibes Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop So Celestial Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

ColourPop Gimme a Sign Shadow Stix

from Temptalia

Hey everyone. I know this will be flooded with comments of “only rely on Allah you won’t be sad” “don’t expect anything from anyone” “put your trust in Allah” I follow these rules but I still just am lonely. I have two friends I talk to but they’re always busy and I don’t have a relationship I’m in cause I choose to find it the halal way but how when all girls and guys in our generation in the usa are all breaking the rules and not following them and just always ending up happy but I just have something in my heart that doesn’t want to do that. I pray and I love that I have family there but I’m just really alone and sad. I been through a rough time and I finally got better but I just wish I had someone to talk to I’m 25 and a male as well. Any advice

submitted by /u/Financial_Line6608
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from Islam
Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Kissing Frenzy

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick ($25.00 for 0.2 oz.) is a medium-dark brown with moderate, muted warm undertones and a glossy, cream finish.

  • Opaque pigmentation in one layer
  • Smooth, lightweight, easy to spread
  • Applied evenly and sat well on lips
  • Long-wearing (10+ hours), lightly hydrating

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$25.00/0.2 oz. - $125.00 Per Ounce

The formula is supposed to have "intense color and instant'shine" in a single layer, while still being "comfortable to wear" and moisturizing. The brand also claims that it will wear for 16 hours, be transfer-proof and resistant to both water and food. The brand says to shake the tube prior to application.

I'm happy to report that the formula actually lived up to its claims! It was incredibly long-wearing where 16-hour wear was absolutely within possibilities, though I'd say that two greasier meals did start to break it down more noticeably (so around 12-14 hours, depending on eating schedules). It was food and water resistant; I didn't see any marks left on my glasses while drinking my morning lattes or water throughout the day. After a meal, it had almost no transfer and was very much intact on my lips except for the very inner area after an oil-heavy (pesto!) lunch.

They had rich color coverage that applied evenly, was fairly forgiving and not prone to settling noticeably into my lip lines. The liquid lipstick felt lighter and was thinner initially, but it set to a slightly clingy, more satin-like sheen after about 30 seconds. I noticed that it felt less clingy after about two hours and was very comfortable to wear. It didn't seem to dry out my lips at all after wearing the product for multiple days in a row.

It seemed unscented and had no discernible taste.

Browse all of our Urban Decay Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick swatches.


Isododecane, Dimethicone, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Polymethylsilsesquioxane/Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Polypropylsilsesquioxane, C30-45 Alkyldimethylsilyl Polypropylsilsesquioxane, Trimethylsiloxyphenyl Dimethicone, Trimethyl Pentaphenyl Trisiloxane, Bis-Stearyl Dimethicone, Dimethiconol, Trihydroxystearin, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Alumina, Silica, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil / Sunflower Seed Oil, Tocopherol

Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

Urban Decay Kissing Frenzy Vice Lip Bond Glossy Liquid Lipstick

from Temptalia

Assalam Alaykum everyone, I want to start off by saying I know that marriage is qadr, and shouldn't be worried about - but with everything in dunya - you do your best and Allah takes care of the rest, meaning you perform the asbab (reasons) and then reliance in that the outcome is completely within the hands of Allah (swt) e.g. salat istikharah .

Unfortunately, the ibtilah on my family is that my eldest brother is drug affected and has been since he was 13 (he's now 20), as well as my younger brother (now 13) - in the care of child services. Also, both have inherited mental disorders from my father (schizoaffective disorder). Their psychosis condition has been triggered by their chronic drug use, and let's just say they have done a lot of criminal acts. *Note: my father does not take drugs (illicit), and has just gone overseas escaping from responsibility. To be honest, I don't know if I should be posting this - would it be gheebah (backbiting)? I'm omitting a lot of details about their sins, and I'm writing descriptions for the purpose of genuine advice - as I am a 19-year-old girl - can't just go to the sheikh myself, also the nature of my concern is tbh humiliating.

The masayib (crises) they have caused our family is beyond comprehension - incarcerating my father - when my father was trying to help them, and the numerous assaults they've done on our family - like real danger situations think pulling up a knife on your mum/dad/sister because you didn't give them $20, and this is not even close to the worst they've done. My father has even booked a flight to home country, escaping and leaving us (he still calls - but still effectively abandoning us). I'm arab, so I can't go into too much detail - because of cultural reasons - worst thing - my brother would be beating me up, hurting me and my mum would tell me not to report him to police because he's my brother - no joke, and now that my father's gone, they have been more of a threat, because my mum is enabling ( citing how he's homeless, mental etc.)

I'm insecure about marriage and I want to get married asap, but I know that no traditional arab man will accept me once he knows about my brothers - also frustrating cultural thing. With our family problems, my mother has effectively isolated herself from everyone, so no actual prospects of getting introduced. My mum says that's ok, because my qadr is already written and that I could be in the house 24/7 and I could get someone asking for my hand. Amanah bilah (God Almighty works in mysterious and miraculous ways) - but again, you seek marriage not sit at home expecting someone to know you exist... I don't know - please someone let me know if I'm falling into sin - thinking this way. I 100% have tawwakul, but realistically speaking -AstaghfirulAllah, idk if this is the right word - my mum needs to help me out here.

Also, I fear I might lower my expectations of a husband ( education being an engineer, scientist, very respectful, strong morals/values) because of brothers- I'm studying medical science, it's reasonable of me to want someone who I'd share the same understanding, hobbies, cognition etc. I fear that my 'standards' wouldn't want me because of my family, that's why I'm insecure.

submitted by /u/mindlessescape4
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from Islam
Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Undressed Brown (910)

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette ($85.00 for 0.2 oz.) is a new, subtly warm-toned–more red-toned than orange-toned–neutral color story that included three shimmers, which performed beautifully, and one matte shade, which needed to be built up but wore and blended out well.


Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Undressed Brown #1

Undressed Brown #1 is a medium-dark copper with moderate, warm undertones and a lightly sparkled, pearl finish.

  • Opaque pigmentation in one layer
  • Moderately-dense, firmer but not stiff, no powderiness
  • Blendable, “melted” on skin for a smoother finish
  • Long-wearing (8.5 hours of wear on average)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have "intense pigments for long-lasting color" across four finishes: "intense satin," "deep matte," luminous metallic," and "radiant pearl." The majority of the shades were quite pigmented applied dry, but it seemed, by texture and look of the pan, to be a wet/dry formula to me, so I tried them damp as well. I didn't feel like using them dampened was necessary except for a few of the "radiant pearl" finish shades, which had more shimmer/sparkle.

The "deep matte" finish tended to have a firmer and more cream-like feel, so using a denser brush to pick up to apply and diffuse color was best, while the other finishes were more moderately-dense--firm but not stiff--and blended out well as they "melted" on my skin. The eyeshadows lasted around eight hours on me before showing signs of fading with a few getting closer to nine hours of wear.

Browse all of our Guerlain Ombres G Eyeshadow swatches.

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Undressed Brown #2

Undressed Brown #2 is a light, pinky-peach with moderate, warm undertones and a smooth, metallic sheen.

  • Opaque pigmentation in one layer
  • Moderately-dense, firmer but not stiff, no powderiness
  • Blendable, “melted” on skin for a smoother finish
  • Long-wearing (8.5 hours of wear on average)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have "intense pigments for long-lasting color" across four finishes: "intense satin," "deep matte," luminous metallic," and "radiant pearl." The majority of the shades were quite pigmented applied dry, but it seemed, by texture and look of the pan, to be a wet/dry formula to me, so I tried them damp as well. I didn't feel like using them dampened was necessary except for a few of the "radiant pearl" finish shades, which had more shimmer/sparkle.

The "deep matte" finish tended to have a firmer and more cream-like feel, so using a denser brush to pick up to apply and diffuse color was best, while the other finishes were more moderately-dense--firm but not stiff--and blended out well as they "melted" on my skin. The eyeshadows lasted around eight hours on me before showing signs of fading with a few getting closer to nine hours of wear.

Browse all of our Guerlain Ombres G Eyeshadow swatches.

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Undressed Brown #3

Undressed Brown #3 is a muted, medium brown with subtle, warm undertones and a matte finish.

  • Semi-opaque pigmentation in one layer, buildable
  • Moderately-dense, firmer but not stiff, no powderiness
  • Blendable, “melted” on skin for a smoother finish
  • Long-wearing (8.5 hours of wear on average)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have "intense pigments for long-lasting color" across four finishes: "intense satin," "deep matte," luminous metallic," and "radiant pearl." The majority of the shades were quite pigmented applied dry, but it seemed, by texture and look of the pan, to be a wet/dry formula to me, so I tried them damp as well. I didn't feel like using them dampened was necessary except for a few of the "radiant pearl" finish shades, which had more shimmer/sparkle.

The "deep matte" finish tended to have a firmer and more cream-like feel, so using a denser brush to pick up to apply and diffuse color was best, while the other finishes were more moderately-dense--firm but not stiff--and blended out well as they "melted" on my skin. The eyeshadows lasted around eight hours on me before showing signs of fading with a few getting closer to nine hours of wear.

Browse all of our Guerlain Ombres G Eyeshadow swatches.

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Undressed Brown #4

Undressed Brown #4 is a medium-dark, rosy brown with subtle, warm undertones and a smooth, pearlescent finish.

  • Opaque pigmentation in one layer
  • Moderately-dense, firmer but not stiff, no powderiness
  • Blendable, “melted” on skin for a smoother finish
  • Long-wearing (8.5 hours of wear on average)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have "intense pigments for long-lasting color" across four finishes: "intense satin," "deep matte," luminous metallic," and "radiant pearl." The majority of the shades were quite pigmented applied dry, but it seemed, by texture and look of the pan, to be a wet/dry formula to me, so I tried them damp as well. I didn't feel like using them dampened was necessary except for a few of the "radiant pearl" finish shades, which had more shimmer/sparkle.

The "deep matte" finish tended to have a firmer and more cream-like feel, so using a denser brush to pick up to apply and diffuse color was best, while the other finishes were more moderately-dense--firm but not stiff--and blended out well as they "melted" on my skin. The eyeshadows lasted around eight hours on me before showing signs of fading with a few getting closer to nine hours of wear.

Browse all of our Guerlain Ombres G Eyeshadow swatches.

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown (910) Ombres G Quad Eyeshadow Palette

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #1 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #2 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #3 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

Guerlain Undressed Brown #4 Ombres G Eyeshadow

from Temptalia