I am a university student now in my final year. Alhamdulilah, in the start of my 2nd year my roommate got very closer to Islam which also influenced me. We are now trying to spread awareness of getting closer to deen in our University. But, there is an internal conflict between me going on. Whenever, I go to the public spots in our university, I see girls and boys in relationship which makes me kind of jealous. My roommate always tells me this is wrong and I know it is. But when I stay from such things, I feel very lonely. I have thought about Nikah but there are two things that bother me.

First, I think about how I am going to carry the burden of another person, while I am not capable of even supporting myself.

Second, I think that in these times no women would ever just say yes to my Nikah proposal, they will want to come in a relationship first to get to know each other.

What should I do?

submitted by /u/Character-Ad-618
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