I am unable to have conversations with Muslim brothers or sisters.

I grew up in non-practicing Shia family from Iran and we never really used the words “assalamualaikum” and “walaikumSalam.” They were seen as too formal and you’d get mocked for being a ‘sheikh’ or if your are woman; ‘mary, the virgin.’

So it’s really unnatural for me to use those Arabic terms (e.g jazakallah khair, allahummabarik, mashallah, inshallah) among other people, especially family members!

When talking to another Muslim brother or sister and they use these Arabic terms; I can see that they’re waiting to hear the response, but I instantly freeze. I blank out and proceed to respond with “thanks!” in an obnoxiously white-washed tone.

Afterwards, I feel embarrassed and frustrated at myself. How do I combat this?

edit: And how do you feel when someone doesn’t respond to your Salam?

submitted by /u/tarqzic
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