Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

I'm in a very depressing, hard situation. Long story short, my older brother is extremely disgusting. No diagnosis off any mental health. He is plain rude.

My mum got diagnosed with psychosis when we were young, he took advantage and now at 25 he pays no contribution to house ZERO £, calls her a bi***, she HAS to cook for him everyday without fail. My dad also had mental health depression which he took advantage off. He doesn't work or want to claim benefits.

I care for both my parents and help financially. My dad is ready to kick him out and stopped speaking to him years ago but my mum will never agree. Despite how he treats her. Also my mum is a unwell due to mental health. Realistically mum will never kick him out.

He swears at my dad too, sometimes me and used to throw hoovers and things down the stairs in arguments. I am so depressed I can't live another day without my legs shaking in depression and burden in my heart. He also says honest to Allah for small things astaghfirullah! He calls his parents pig/jews and more. Im scared for him, I fear so badly the major sin he is getting oh my days. He is absolutely disgusting and took advantage when my parents became unwell. Then my house structure went downhill. My parents are 50. He calls my mum more insults, and she is medicated so doesn't feel the full effects. We have no family to turn too.

  • please no links to charity organisations with all due respect we can't go on that route.

I guess there isn't a easy solution. Any advice, hopeful quotes, and please do dua for me. My dad says his the resson him and my mum will pass away soon😓😭 I genuinely am so depressed, broken and i cant live this life im trying to be strong for my parents.

submitted by /u/tahajjudgem
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