i need advice from my muslim brothers and sisters please

for context i’m 19f i’m pakistani but have lived in the states my whole life. theres been issues going on with my parents and bc my parents are separating my mom thinks my cousin is the only guy thats going to take care of my mom in the future and provide for both of us. and that any other guy wouldnt tolerate my mom living with me.

i dont want to marry my cousin but she guilt trips me and tells me i’m the worst daughter ever and i’m just gonna put her in a nursing home and just overall makes me feel horrible. also only 19!! i wanna accomplish my dreams and goals not marry my cousin.

also it’s necessary to mention that my grandparents are cousins, my parents are cousins and his (my cousin’s) parents are also cousins. so if theres any medical professionals that can tell me the risks and birth defects that could happen that i could tell my mom about that would be great.

submitted by /u/Consistent_Mess1119
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