Hello everyone! I’m currently reading the Quran, was raised Catholic and with that got an extremely biased view on Islam. An American forced view that’s ignorant of the truth of Islam, if that makes sense.

My father was a member of the Nation of Islam, so my only ties to the religion are that, and if you know the NOI, you know that’s not the most holistic view.

I ask you, what inspires YOU to be a Muslim? We live in a world in which the Western media is constantly attacking the religion and it’s practitioners, but I’ve personally had many Strict practicing Muslim friends over the years, and my own view is more than tolerant.

From what I read, there’s much to gain from even reading, and I’m curious: outside of familial obligation, what keeps you in the faith?

Honestly, with my religious upbringing, along with mixed heritage I combine beliefs into my own working view, so I don’t want to come off as a convert. I do have all respect for you here, and before I visit any Muslim countries, I want to know how it impacts your daily life

Appreciate any words!

submitted by /u/Fassbenderr
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