Thank you in advance for those who might be able to guide me in the right direction. Since 2015, I have always been dedicated to accepting and learning Islam. For me, not only did everything I read and listen to about Islam resonate but it made the most sense to me. Growing up in a rural part of The United States however I have no access to a local mosque or Imam where I can seek answers to my questions and undertake my Shahada. I took my Shahada from someone in the UK with an Iman I connected to a few years ago but since then have lost connection to them. There were also many hurdles considering the major time difference from the US. My ask here is if there is anyone or anywhere I could go to in which can help me take my Shahada officially and guide me in daily prayer and other routines so that way I can be more comfortable doing it on my own and motivate me to have more discipline. I understand many of the fundamentals and pillars of Islam but a mentor or fellow revert brother would be awesome considering the circumstance. My hopes is in the next few months I’ll move closer to the city where I know there are mosques I can participate at but meanwhile I’d like to really engage in Islam especially during the Ramadan season.

If there are any other Muslim brothers (between 21-30 would be great since around my age) that are either already Muslim and willing to help or those who are recent reverts or considering Islam to revert to willing to network and help me out?

submitted by /u/WhereasFew4333
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