October 2021

I have no doubt in my mind concerning the strength and faith of these people but I have no faith that there will be enough of response against China. There is nothing I can do to move the hearts of current Muslims, it looks to me like they have been sealed. I have brought facts, logic, and the word of Allah to hundreds or thousands and have received nothing but an iota of support. There have been figures superior to me that have only managed to do slightly better.

Even if I were to do a Jihad solely by myself, I fear it would only increase the suffering of the Uyghurs and other Muslims in China. I am appalled and disappointed to see more coverage on this issue from non-believers and even some disbelievers.

submitted by /u/Nearby_Atmosphere_36
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3CAFfls

Hello I'm a 15yr old male and I honestly can't stand living anymore, nothing is going my way. I don't have any confidence in my self, whenever I look at others I can't help but compare myself and I always feel disappointed. I feel like I'm just talentless, fat, ugly, I'm so awkward I can barely talk to others. I've always thought that I will gain confidence by time. I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry if I am not allowed to post something like this, but I really didn't know who to tell?

submitted by /u/Syn1h_
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3jTBHne

Salams to all Muslims and people of other faiths,

I believe the world is going through an intense phase of liberalization and becoming more "progressive" (regressive in my eyes), the Muslim world is no different. I am an American Muslim that adheres to the sharia while following the law of the land which doesn't contradict our sharia.

I have spent a sizable amount of my life in the Muslim world, in Dubai. And I frequently visit as I have a lot of family and friends there. I actually just got back from there couple of weeks back, and plan on going again soon inshallah. As I'm a frequent visitor of the place, I see how much it has changed over the years, FOR THE WORST. 10 years ago, I remember Dubai being a place where stores and restaurants shut down for jummah and even the daily 5 salah. fast forward to today, Dubai in my opinion is where some of the most haram things happen. Things which I never would have expected to happen in a land where sharia was practiced (at least for the most part).

It's absolutely disgusting how Muslims and leaders of Muslim countries change for the sake of society just to get the approval of the west. Now if the roles were reversed, will the West ever change to fit the standards of the sharia to get approval from the Muslim world? I don't expect seculars to ever change for the sake of other religions, Muslims should be the exact same way. By all means, I respect the non-believer, but just as they won't change their doings and practices for our approval, we shouldn't change ours for theirs.

submitted by /u/Conscious-Policy6814
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3q2uHbk

Things I envy about religious people:

  • Having that feeling of mental peace and safety at all times, that someone's looking out for you at all times.
  • Never feeling alone with thoughts, since God is always there with you.
  • Heaven sounds like an awesome place.
  • Having a belief in karma, that bad people get what they deserve etc.

Things I don't envy about religious people:

  • Strict rules!
  • Boring rituals.
  • Feeling guilty as a sinner most of the time.
  • People can judge you for your beliefs.

Honestly though, the pros out way the cons. I would become religious in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the fact that to me, the concept of God and religion is like trying to believe 2+2 equals 5. So... yeah I'm stuck with atheism. Sigh. Anyway what are your thoughts and do you envy us atheists?

submitted by /u/comfortabIy_dumb
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3mwyMmg

I want to talk about something that has conflicted me a lot since I have reverted. And that is Holidays.

Not celebrating my favorite holidays was probably the hardest thing to give up.

I was raised on them, I didn’t even know certain holidays (Christmas, Easter) had religious origins until middle school- because the US sort of treats them as secular.

Easter I don’t really care about so much. But Christmas was my favorite holiday because I love giving gifts and seeing pretty lights and stuff. I also really enjoyed Halloween because I am a huge fan of horror movies and spooky stuff generally. Costumes are so cool and unique and creative. Also I liked the candy because I am fat.

It’s just generally sore for me because here holidays are treated as a seasonal thing almost, not just a day. Like there’s a bunch of Halloween events going on since September, and after Halloween people will start decorating for Christmas and playing Christmas music. So rather than it being just a couple days of feeling alone, it’s more like months.

Also generally speaking Halloween is considered entirely secular at this point but I still don’t really feel entirely comfortable celebrating it because it has pagan origins.

submitted by /u/littlescurvy
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3BIVqMF


ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter) ($8.00 for 0.15 oz.) has a warmer, peachy-gold base with silvery-beige shimmer and faint sparkle throughout that gives it a soft, luminous lit-from-within glow. It had more opaque coverage when applied with a fingertip and sheerer, more buildable coverage when applied with a stippling brush, as marketed.

The consistency was emollient to the touch, but the product came away in very thin layers that felt more powder-like once it came into contact with skin, so it was quick to dry down but remained blendable. It wore well for nine hours on me before fading visibly.

* This shade was brought back for a limited time by ColourPop to celebrate Temptalia’s 15th anniversary.


LELimited Edition. $8.00.
We hope you'll consider supporting Temptalia by shopping through our links below. Thanks!

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

ColourPop Spoon Super Shock Cheek (Highlighter)

from Temptalia https://ift.tt/3btDsmu

Trio of Terror

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio ($28.00 for 0.51 oz.) is a new, limited edition trio of cream eyeshadows. They are also available individually for $10 each. All three shades were pigmented, blendable, and pretty easy to use, as they are fluid and cream-like initially but don’t dry down too quickly (nor too slowly), and once they’re on, they are very long-wearing.

Note: readers have reported issues with this formula drying out faster than other cream eyeshadows — I know I’m not alone when wishing these came in squeeze tubes! I’ve had one or two dry out after a year, but I don’t keep most of mine (no matter how much I love the color) because I don’t have the time to really go back so I avoid keeping liquid/cream-based products knowing that.

Trio of Terror

LELimited Edition.
We hope you'll consider supporting Temptalia by shopping through our links below. Thanks!


Lock has a blackened purple base with cooler undertones paired with lighter blue, lavender, and violet sparkle throughout. The cream-based product enabled the sparkles to actually apply evenly and adhere to the base color. The consistency felt very emollient and wet to the touch, but it yielded opaque coverage that applied well to bare skin and dried down fast enough not to settle into fine lines (but I had enough time to work). It stayed on well for 10 hours without showing signs of wear.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview

$8.00/0.23 oz. - $34.78 Per Ounce

The formula is supposed to have "high impact" in a "single swipe" that's longwearing, "won't crease, fade or transfer" and "dries down to a powder finish with zero fall out." These are water-based, so they feel wet and cooling when initially applied, but the reality is that so little product is needed to get coverage on the lid that I didn't feel it was watery or thin when I actually patted it onto my lid with a brush.

I would recommend using less than you think you'll need, and while fingertips can be used to apply, I liked the control of flat, synthetic brushes gave me as fingertips (for me!) applied far more product than needed. If you over-apply, it can feel wet and take longer to dry down, and it ends up taking too long and can pull into creases/fine lines on the lid. If I used about what I needed (there was some wiggle room), it dried down quickly and set to a transfer-resistant/crease-resistant finish. It was harder to blend out once dry, though, and if I wasn't careful, more vigorous blending could disturb and cause the eyeshadow to flake slightly.

They are easier to use than they look, and I think they're quite good overall, though a couple of shades were less stellar. They have a high-shine finish, though I think the more metallic powder and cream eyeshadows give a similar look that I wasn't convinced that the finish on these was above and beyond products that might be easier to use/more user-friendly. I'm not sure that the pot was the best way to go, as the product dries out extremely quickly; to the point where I would advise closing the product after you've taken product out of it, don't let it sit open while you're applying the rest of your makeup--you will see and feel parts of it dry out.

I found the packaging to be rather messy, and I have bits of product along the edge of the jar, along the rim, and it's fiddly to move the stopper from the opening to the lid and back again. I wonder if a squeeze tube might be less messy and make it easier to control the amount of product picked up while also preventing the product from drying out too readily.

WARNING: This formula seems to dry out within months; some readers report a couple of months and others more like a six-month window. I don't keep the majority of cream-based products (since I don't return to most products after reviewing), including these, but of the few I still have, there is a definite change in consistency--slightly drier--after six months, sometimes more or less. I had a couple that were closer to the year mark, and one was still usable but the other was quite dried down.

Browse all of our ColourPop Jelly Much Eyeshadow swatches.


LELimited Edition. $8.00.


Shock is a bright, medium-dark fuchsia pink with subtle, cool undertones and a sparkling sheen. It had rich color payoff paired with a wet, emollient texture that felt cool to the touch and remained more fluid and cream-like during the initial application to skin but dried down to a transfer-resistant finish. I felt like I had enough time to apply and diffuse the edges but it wasn’t so long that it settled into fine lines. It wore well for 10 hours without fading or creasing on me.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview

$8.00/0.23 oz. - $34.78 Per Ounce

The formula is supposed to have "high impact" in a "single swipe" that's longwearing, "won't crease, fade or transfer" and "dries down to a powder finish with zero fall out." These are water-based, so they feel wet and cooling when initially applied, but the reality is that so little product is needed to get coverage on the lid that I didn't feel it was watery or thin when I actually patted it onto my lid with a brush.

I would recommend using less than you think you'll need, and while fingertips can be used to apply, I liked the control of flat, synthetic brushes gave me as fingertips (for me!) applied far more product than needed. If you over-apply, it can feel wet and take longer to dry down, and it ends up taking too long and can pull into creases/fine lines on the lid. If I used about what I needed (there was some wiggle room), it dried down quickly and set to a transfer-resistant/crease-resistant finish. It was harder to blend out once dry, though, and if I wasn't careful, more vigorous blending could disturb and cause the eyeshadow to flake slightly.

They are easier to use than they look, and I think they're quite good overall, though a couple of shades were less stellar. They have a high-shine finish, though I think the more metallic powder and cream eyeshadows give a similar look that I wasn't convinced that the finish on these was above and beyond products that might be easier to use/more user-friendly. I'm not sure that the pot was the best way to go, as the product dries out extremely quickly; to the point where I would advise closing the product after you've taken product out of it, don't let it sit open while you're applying the rest of your makeup--you will see and feel parts of it dry out.

I found the packaging to be rather messy, and I have bits of product along the edge of the jar, along the rim, and it's fiddly to move the stopper from the opening to the lid and back again. I wonder if a squeeze tube might be less messy and make it easier to control the amount of product picked up while also preventing the product from drying out too readily.

WARNING: This formula seems to dry out within months; some readers report a couple of months and others more like a six-month window. I don't keep the majority of cream-based products (since I don't return to most products after reviewing), including these, but of the few I still have, there is a definite change in consistency--slightly drier--after six months, sometimes more or less. I had a couple that were closer to the year mark, and one was still usable but the other was quite dried down.

Browse all of our ColourPop Jelly Much Eyeshadow swatches.


LELimited Edition. $8.00.


Barrel has a rosy-brown base with warm undertones and green-gold contrasting shimmer and sparkle. It had opaque color coverage in a single layer, and it felt like a little product went a long way, so I’d recommend using less than you think you’ll need (you can always build up as the formula was buildable). The texture was very wet to the touch, but it ended up being much easier to work with than expected as the product went on evenly, blended out well along the edges, and dried down fast enough not to settle into my fine lines. It lasted for 10 hours without fading or creasing on me.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview

$8.00/0.23 oz. - $34.78 Per Ounce

The formula is supposed to have "high impact" in a "single swipe" that's longwearing, "won't crease, fade or transfer" and "dries down to a powder finish with zero fall out." These are water-based, so they feel wet and cooling when initially applied, but the reality is that so little product is needed to get coverage on the lid that I didn't feel it was watery or thin when I actually patted it onto my lid with a brush.

I would recommend using less than you think you'll need, and while fingertips can be used to apply, I liked the control of flat, synthetic brushes gave me as fingertips (for me!) applied far more product than needed. If you over-apply, it can feel wet and take longer to dry down, and it ends up taking too long and can pull into creases/fine lines on the lid. If I used about what I needed (there was some wiggle room), it dried down quickly and set to a transfer-resistant/crease-resistant finish. It was harder to blend out once dry, though, and if I wasn't careful, more vigorous blending could disturb and cause the eyeshadow to flake slightly.

They are easier to use than they look, and I think they're quite good overall, though a couple of shades were less stellar. They have a high-shine finish, though I think the more metallic powder and cream eyeshadows give a similar look that I wasn't convinced that the finish on these was above and beyond products that might be easier to use/more user-friendly. I'm not sure that the pot was the best way to go, as the product dries out extremely quickly; to the point where I would advise closing the product after you've taken product out of it, don't let it sit open while you're applying the rest of your makeup--you will see and feel parts of it dry out.

I found the packaging to be rather messy, and I have bits of product along the edge of the jar, along the rim, and it's fiddly to move the stopper from the opening to the lid and back again. I wonder if a squeeze tube might be less messy and make it easier to control the amount of product picked up while also preventing the product from drying out too readily.

WARNING: This formula seems to dry out within months; some readers report a couple of months and others more like a six-month window. I don't keep the majority of cream-based products (since I don't return to most products after reviewing), including these, but of the few I still have, there is a definite change in consistency--slightly drier--after six months, sometimes more or less. I had a couple that were closer to the year mark, and one was still usable but the other was quite dried down.

Browse all of our ColourPop Jelly Much Eyeshadow swatches.


LELimited Edition. $8.00.

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Trio of Terror Jelly Much Shadow Trio

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Lock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Shock Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

ColourPop Barrel Jelly Much Eyeshadow

from Temptalia https://ift.tt/3w3Rx3F