I want to talk about something that has conflicted me a lot since I have reverted. And that is Holidays.

Not celebrating my favorite holidays was probably the hardest thing to give up.

I was raised on them, I didn’t even know certain holidays (Christmas, Easter) had religious origins until middle school- because the US sort of treats them as secular.

Easter I don’t really care about so much. But Christmas was my favorite holiday because I love giving gifts and seeing pretty lights and stuff. I also really enjoyed Halloween because I am a huge fan of horror movies and spooky stuff generally. Costumes are so cool and unique and creative. Also I liked the candy because I am fat.

It’s just generally sore for me because here holidays are treated as a seasonal thing almost, not just a day. Like there’s a bunch of Halloween events going on since September, and after Halloween people will start decorating for Christmas and playing Christmas music. So rather than it being just a couple days of feeling alone, it’s more like months.

Also generally speaking Halloween is considered entirely secular at this point but I still don’t really feel entirely comfortable celebrating it because it has pagan origins.

submitted by /u/littlescurvy
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