Things I envy about religious people:

  • Having that feeling of mental peace and safety at all times, that someone's looking out for you at all times.
  • Never feeling alone with thoughts, since God is always there with you.
  • Heaven sounds like an awesome place.
  • Having a belief in karma, that bad people get what they deserve etc.

Things I don't envy about religious people:

  • Strict rules!
  • Boring rituals.
  • Feeling guilty as a sinner most of the time.
  • People can judge you for your beliefs.

Honestly though, the pros out way the cons. I would become religious in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the fact that to me, the concept of God and religion is like trying to believe 2+2 equals 5. So... yeah I'm stuck with atheism. Sigh. Anyway what are your thoughts and do you envy us atheists?

submitted by /u/comfortabIy_dumb
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from Islam
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