Salams to all Muslims and people of other faiths,

I believe the world is going through an intense phase of liberalization and becoming more "progressive" (regressive in my eyes), the Muslim world is no different. I am an American Muslim that adheres to the sharia while following the law of the land which doesn't contradict our sharia.

I have spent a sizable amount of my life in the Muslim world, in Dubai. And I frequently visit as I have a lot of family and friends there. I actually just got back from there couple of weeks back, and plan on going again soon inshallah. As I'm a frequent visitor of the place, I see how much it has changed over the years, FOR THE WORST. 10 years ago, I remember Dubai being a place where stores and restaurants shut down for jummah and even the daily 5 salah. fast forward to today, Dubai in my opinion is where some of the most haram things happen. Things which I never would have expected to happen in a land where sharia was practiced (at least for the most part).

It's absolutely disgusting how Muslims and leaders of Muslim countries change for the sake of society just to get the approval of the west. Now if the roles were reversed, will the West ever change to fit the standards of the sharia to get approval from the Muslim world? I don't expect seculars to ever change for the sake of other religions, Muslims should be the exact same way. By all means, I respect the non-believer, but just as they won't change their doings and practices for our approval, we shouldn't change ours for theirs.

submitted by /u/Conscious-Policy6814
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