
So first off I'd like to ask that only muslim women answer this question, since it is one that concerns them.

I'm non-binary, born female, and I have a muslim friend who I'm not out to yet. I know she'll be accepting when I come out. However, I am on her private snap story and she often doesn't wear her hijab while posting there. I do assume that only women are on her private story. I know that when I tell her that I'm non-binary there might be a chance that she takes me off her private story and I'm okay with that, however, my question is: is it wrong of me to not come out yet and still be on her story? I'm not exactly ready to come out yet, but I also don't want to be on her private story if it's disrespectful. I also know that if I ask her to take me off her private story she'll want to know why, and I don't wanna lie. Any advice? What's your opinion on having non-binary people see your hair?

submitted by /u/strangerstome
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