If obeying the Prophet (saw) carries the same weight as obeying God, why did Allah not reveal the Hadith as part of the Quran? If the Hadith are not protected like the Quran, would Allah punish someone for not following something they're not sure they can trust?

Sincerely asking, because any attempt to study the Hadith usually ends up with someone saying "you're not allowed to understand the Hadith until you've studied 20 years at x university." Which would get in the way of being a Muslim, if obeying the Prophet (saw) is required (which it is).

Allah never says to put trust in anyone other than Muhammad (saw), and the schools of thought didn't exist at the time of the Prophet. Scholars definitely aren't infallible. So I don't accept arguments that trusting scholars are a necessary part to being a Muslim. Shouldn't we be able to use independent reasoning and interpretation as the fundamental part of our faith, with the scholars as a secondary supplement?

submitted by /u/Morpho-Masigma
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