I have a wuddu question that may not be suitable for younger readers, please be advised but I’ll keep this as PG as possible.

Everything in wudu is easy for me alhamdulillah, the gusul gives me a bit of a hard time though because I have a problem in peeing. When I pee there’s always left over drips that I never can get out during my main pee. I’ll stand over the toilet for an extra 30 seconds to get the drips out but once I put my underwear back on and walk away I can feel more drips happen, sometimes the drips can dribble down my leg if there’s a good amount. This makes wudu astghaphurallah a little harder on me. This means the next time I do wuddu I have to change my underwear and I’m so paranoid that the pee could’ve touched my pants that I change them too. Any advise on this please? If I’m out and about I can’t do wuddu at a random bathroom because if I had peed I’ll need to change my underwear and I can’t do that unless I’m at home.

May Allah make it easy on me, ameen.

Thanks my brothers and sisters in islam , jazakum Allah khair.

submitted by /u/heistheonlyking
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