August 2020

194. Jannah becomes obligatory for the one who Recites the following

Abu Sa’id (Ra) said that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “Whoever says:

Radeetu billahi rabban, Wa bil-Islaami deenan,Wa bi-Muhammadin rasoolan

Jannah becomes obligatory for him (to enter). [Abu-Dawud]

Note: Best said in Morning and Evening with "Nabiyanwa rasoolan"

Best translation I could find was: Radhitu billahi Rabba (I’ve accepted Allah as my Lord) Wa bil Islami deena (And Islam as my way of life) Wa bimuhammadin salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (And Muhammad may Allah’s peace & blessings be upon him) Nabiyyan wa Rasoola (As Prophet and Messenger of Allah)

Even more easy good deeds you can do:

submitted by /u/UltraInstinctBeerus
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from Islam
Beautiful Ring Structure of Surah Yaa-Seen (part 1)

Surah Yaa-Seen (Yaa-Seen) can be divided into 6 passages or distinct subject matter. We’ll begin our discussion by looking at the connection within each passage individually, then by looking at the connection between all passages as a whole.

Passage #1 - Quran and Our Record

This passage highlights the writings of Allah ﷻ and covers ayaat 1-12.


Section 1A/1A’

This section highlights two contrasting, but otherworldly, documents. The first is the Quran which is a document that was sent down from the heavens to the earth. The second is our book of deeds which are written on earth and then presented to Allah ﷻ above the seven heavens.

Section 1B/1B’

These passages share meaning as well as wording. Both use “tundhir (you warn)” to address the Messenger ﷺ. First the Messenger ﷺ is told that he received revelation in order to warn people (B) and later (B’) he is told that only those who are fearful of Allah ﷻ can be warned.

Section 1C/1C’

Here we find another shared phrase. Both parts say "laa yu’minoon (they don’t believe)” in reference to the disbelievers. At first we’re told that they simply don’t believe (C), but by the conclusion (C’) we learn that despite the warnings, they’ll never believe.

Section 1D/1D’

The center informs us of the consequences of their stubbornness to believe even when the truth has been made clear.

It’s important to note that in the Quran, Allah ﷻ highlights three avenues for guidance:

1. From the front – by reflecting on the physical world in front of us
2. From the back – by reflecting on history behind us
3. From above – by reflecting on revelation. Since we are incapable of observing certain realities before death - the Day of Judgment, Paradise, Hell, etc – these can only come from Allah ﷻ.

In this section, Allah ﷻ says for those who disbelieve that He has put a wall in front of them and behind them, and He has put collars on their neck. They look up, yet they have been covered and they cannot see. Guidance has been cut-off for them in all three of the aforementioned directions.

Thus, they are blinded from all sides and therefore cannot see guidance properly. In the following sections (and subsequent posts), we’ll explore how Allah ﷻ expands upon this notion of the avenues for guidance further.

واللَّهُ أَعلَم - And Allah knows best


Khan, Nouman. “Surah Yasin” YouTube, uploaded by Quran Weekly, July 25, 2015,

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submitted by /u/emunir
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from Islam

Originally posted by Sajid here

Bid your people to pray, and be diligent in ˹observing˺ it. We do not ask you to provide. It is We Who provide for you. And the ultimate outcome is ˹only˺ for ˹the people of˺ righteousness.

It's so easy to talk about patience , but it's manifestation when the time comes, that truly leaves a person speechless.

I hate arguing with family, as it makes me feel like everything I do afterwards is invalid. Subhaan Allah. This verse came to mind, after an argument.

That Allah swt tells us to enjoin prayer to our family and then being patient performing it. The ط is very important because it adds emphasis to the word. اللدلالة على الزيادة في الصبر Indication of an increase in patience.

And it's because praying regularly requires constant diligence.
So does dealing with family members. You can't fake it, because they know everything about your character, they may not know everything about you, but they know your character.

And the argument I had was not even about prayer lol. But the lesson to be learned I guess was the simile of dealing with the people outside of prayer should be like how we hold ourselves in prayer.

submitted by /u/BrozzerAbdullahBot
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from Islam

So, after doing some research I have hit a brick wall where I'm not quite sure what 65:4 means, here is the original verse:

"And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease."

So this one is interesting because I have found different viewpoints about it in various tafsirs:

Here, we can see that a consensus that "and those who have not menustrated" implies that they are talking about girls who have not yet menustrated, i.e prepubescent girls. The problem that I see is that the Qu'ran verse doesn't really imply that the women are pre-pubescent girls, rather it seems to talk about women who just haven't menstruated. If it really were pre-pubescent girls then it would have said something along the lines of "women who have not reached maturity".

However, most of the tafsirs here say that it's either women who haven't menstruated (as in, mature women who just haven't had their period), or it's women who are young.

The more confusing one is Maududis tafsir, which says that consummation is allowed when the girl isn't mature. However, nowhere in the verse does it even say consummation, or anything similar to that.

This explanation implies that it is talking about young women who are mature but just haven't menstruated.

Can someone explain this to me? I think I get the idea but I need some more sources which explain this. Additionally, I have seen internet scholars (cough islamqa) state that it is indeed talking about prepubescent girls, and almost comedically they all state Aisha as an example. On the other hand, I have seen people on the same site say the opposite. I'm very damn confused.

submitted by /u/vinylmaster2000
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from Islam

Assalamualaikum I sent a “I love you” message to a girl when I was 12 and she’s just now seen the message. She just responded with a “damn”. It was sent as a joke because I thought she wouldn’t see it. Either way I’m embarrassed and I want to apologize to her but I’m not sure how I should say it. Can someone help?


submitted by /u/VloooolV
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from Islam

StoryArt best Instagram Story apps for Android
Instagram’s Story feature is one of the most popular on the site. It’s mostly for daily updates and stuff you wouldn’t generally post on your profile. However, many use the platform as a performance art platform and Stories get really fun on occasion. Some people do comedy bits, others make super artsy posts, and it evolved into much more than intended. That means there are actually a bunch of tools for Stories for folks who want to do more with it. Here are the best Instagram Story apps for Android.

These apps might help you make fun Instagram Stories too:

Adobe apps

Price: Free / Varies

Adobe has some of the most popular apps for creative folks and this is no different. Those on mobile have Adobe Premiere Rush, Adobe Lightroom, a social media-centric version of Photoshop, and a few other tools to make some neat stuff for Instagram Stories. Those with desktops can use the more powerful tools (Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, After Effects) to do some neat stuff as well. The mobile apps are generally cheaper and many of them are free to use in many cases. The desktop variants can go for as much as $53.99 per month if you get the full subscription. In any case, whether it’s photo or video, Adobe probably has an app for it and Adobe apps are among the most powerful in this space. It’s kind of an obvious recommendation.


Price: Free / Varies

InShot is a developer on Google Play and has a few popular Instagram Story apps. The three main apps that you might try is the Story Saver app along with the photo editor and the video editor (separate apps). The first one is rather self explanatory. It lets you download other people’s Stories as well as IGTV content. The other two are also fairly self explanatory. The photo and video editors let you edit your photos and videos to ready them for Instagram. All three apps have the occasional bug, but they are otherwise quite functional.

InShot Story Saver screenshot 2020

Credit: Joe Hindy / Android Authority


Price: Free / $3.99 per month / $22.99 per year

KineMaster is a mobile video editor and one of the best. The app has a lot of desirable features, including multi-layer video editing, images, stickers, special effects, support for text, support for music, and more. The app even exports in 4K at 30FPS if your device can handle the export process. In general, Instagram Stories don’t really require too much video editing so something like this to throw together a little sketch or shave off some useless video at the beginning or end is perfectly functional.

LightX Photo Editor

Price: Free / $2.99 per month / $14.99 per year / $34.99 once

LightX Photo Editor is an excellent alternative to Adobe Lightroom for mobile photo editing. It has a lot of the basic tools such as contrast, exposure, brightness, hue, saturation etc. It also comes with teeth whitening, background blurring, and a range of filters for a neat look. Finally, the app can do some really fun stuff like remove the background from your image or merge two photos together. This is a great app for people who enjoy using photos on their Instagram Stories.


Price: Free / $9.99 per month / $39.99 per year

Mojo is one of several somewhat decent Instagram Story apps. It has a variety of animation templates. You simply plug in your own stuff and the app makes a short video montage of the things you put in it. The app contains over 50 templates along with more than 50 text styles. You can edit templates as well for more customization. The price is rather extravagant so we don’t really recommend it unless you really like the app. Also, we hope it finishes porting all of the iOS features sooner rather than later.

Read more:


Price: Free

Snapseed is a photo editor by Google and it’s one of the best. It doesn’t have a ton of super unique features, but it does the basics with rock solid efficiency. The app includes 29 tools and filters, including a fake HDR mode, support for RAW photos, and an auto-adjuster tool to make images pop a bit more. You can do some really good stuff with this and the feature list is impressive considering its very free price tag.

best DSLR apps - Snapseed

Story Editor

Price: Free with in-app purchases

Story Editor by cerdillac is a decent and serviceable Instagram Story editor. The app contains over 200 story templates along with some filters, a collage maker, text support, and even some minor photo editing functions like background blur. The app is otherwise fairly self explanatory. You add various things into it, use the templates and filters to generate a desired effect, and then publish it to Instagram. There are a bunch of free templates in the app, but you can buy more stuff via in-app purchases (generally at $1.99 for each package).

Story Editor screenshot

Credit: Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Story Maker

Price: Free

Story Maker by Gonga Dev is a decent free Instagram Story editor. The app has over 300 templates spread out across several categories for easier browsing. In addition, there are over 100 text fonts, support for both photo and video, and support for other apps such as Snapchat, Whatsapp, and others. It works the same as most of the other options in this space so it’s pretty simple for most folks. This one is entirely free with ads and people don’t seem to mind the ads much.

Story Maker screenshot

Credit: Joe Hindy / Android Authority


Price: Free / $2.99 per month / $9.99 per year / $19.99 once / Varies

StoryArt is another big story editor with some decent functionality. This one boasts over 2,000 templates, although many of them are pretty simple. The app also features some basic photo and video editing along with the usual array of photos, stickers, and text support. You can even design some little logos to make your Instagram Stories look good on your profile. The subscription is cheaper than most competitors or you can pay for it a single time. There are also in-app purchase packages in case you only want certain things.

StoryArt screenshot 2020

Credit: Joe Hindy / Android Authority


Price: Free / $2.99 per month / $8.99 per year / $9.99 once

StoryLab is an Instagram Story editor with some fun tricks. It supports over 700 Instagram Story templates and you can lightly customize most of them. It also supports 9:16 along with 1:1 so you can make Stories in a couple of different ways. The app also supports both photo and video along with some effect brushes that let you do some neat stuff like Kirakira and other popular effects. This one is also on the cheaper side in terms of subscriptions and even its single price is less than many competitors.

StoryLab screenshot 2020

Credit: Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Thank you for reading! Try these too:

If we missed any great Instagram Story apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments. You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists!

from Apps – Android Authority

To explain,

Let's say that you believe any belief besides Islam, you're an Atheist, a Christian, Jewish, etc. You've been a very good, genuine, and kind person all your life. You donate to charity, you're kind, loyal, respectful, etc. just a good person overall. Would you go to hell?

submitted by /u/milkookie
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from Islam

Maybe its just me I don't know, this is essentially a rant. There is so much focus on what we are doing wrong and how we are in such a bad state, and how the muslims before us were so great and we are so terrible.

If you search for lectures on the Mercy of Allah, you will find so few full-length lectures, and a bunch of 5 minute reminders. Buf there are millions of lectures on any given topic of some sin we are doing. "Ar Rahman Ar Raheem" is in Surah Fatihah which we recite 17 times per day, but no focus is given to it.

What makes this worse, after a 1 hour lecture about some sin, there is a 1 minute message "But even if you are struggling, don't despair the mercy of Allah because despairing is worse then any other sin!". Great! now I feel EVEN worse because not only am I doing that sin you just berated me over for 60 minutes, I am having trouble not despairing so I'm the worst possible condition.

Its possible I'm the one with mental problems and everyone else doing fine, then its just my fault and I need to change instead of complaining.

submitted by /u/w33dwick
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from Islam

Hello everyone. I wanted to ask some questions about what happens to the soul after death.

1.what will happen to that soul that made good deeds, prayed, read the quran?

2.what will happen to the soul that believed in allah but didn’t pray, didnt read the quran?

  1. What will happen to that soul that made bad deeds, disrespected people, didn’t show sympathy for islam?
submitted by /u/CockDestroyer23
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from Islam

Release Date + About the Launch

International icon Rosalía stars as the new face of M∙A∙C VIVA GLAM – debuting an all-new, limited-edition shade to celebrate 26 years of giving back 100%. See how VG26 looks on you – before it makes it’s global debut – with our new virtual try-on. Or pre-order this fiery red favourite of our newest M·A·Ctivist now. It’s a guaranteed sellout!

When you buy any VIVA GLAM Lipstick, you’re donating 100% of the selling price to local organizations supporting women and girls, the LGBTQIA+ community and people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

Pre-order now / ships 9/25

Products in the Launch

Lipstick, $19.00 (Limited Edition)

  • Viva Glam 26 Bright orangey red (Matte)

MAC x Rosalía Viva Glam 26 Lipstick for Fall 2020

MAC x Rosalía Viva Glam 26 Lipstick for Fall 2020

from Temptalia

Release Date + About the Launch

Created by Selena Gomez, Rare Beauty is challenging unrealistic standards of perfection. In Selena’s own words, “It’s not about being someone else, but being who you are.” This is makeup made to feel good in, without hiding what makes you unique. Airy and breathable, our skin-loving formulas go on easy for adjustable coverage and a fresh finish that always looks like you.


Products in the Launch

Liquid Touch Weightless Foundation, $29.00 (New, Permanent)

Featuring a convenient doe foot applicator, this foundation delivers pure pigments packed in a serum-like base, making it easy to blend and build coverage while evening out skin tone and hiding the look of pores—no clogging or caking. With a botanical blend of lotus, gardenia, and water lily, it calms and nourishes skin for comfortable long wear in 48 shades. For dry skin, it is recommended to moisturize and then follow with Always an Optimist Primer (sold separately) for best results.

  • 100W light with warm golden undertones
  • 110N light with neutral golden undertones
  • 120C light with cool peach undertones
  • 130N light with neutral beige undertones
  • 140C light with cool beige undertones
  • 150C light with cool peach undertones
  • 160C light with cool pink undertones
  • 170W light with warm olive undertones
  • 180W light with warm peach undertones
  • 190W light medium with warm golden undertones
  • 200C light medium with cool beige undertones
  • 210N light medium with neutral beige undertones
  • 220C light medium with cool pink undertones
  • 230N light medium with neutral olive undertones
  • 240W light medium with warm golden undertones
  • 250W light medium with warm peach undertones (Selena’s shade)
  • 260N light medium with neutral peach undertones
  • 270N light medium with neutral beige undertones
  • 280N light medium with neutral olive undertones
  • 290N medium with neutral golden undertones
  • 300C medium with cool beige undertones
  • 310W medium with warm peach undertones
  • 320W medium with warm golden undertones
  • 330N medium with neutral beige undertones
  • 340C medium with cool beige undertones
  • 350C medium with cool pink undertones
  • 360W medium with warm olive undertones
  • 370N medium with neutral golden undertones
  • 380W medium deep with warm golden undertones
  • 390C medium deep with cool peach undertones
  • 400W medium deep with warm golden undertones
  • 410N medium deep with neutral peach undertones
  • 420N medium deep with neutral olive undertones
  • 430W medium deep with warm olive undertones
  • 440C medium deep with cool neutral undertones
  • 450N medium deep with neutral golden undertones
  • 460W medium deep with warm olive undertones
  • 470C medium deep with cool peach undertones
  • 480W deep with warm neutral undertones
  • 490C deep with cool red undertones
  • 500N deep with neutral golden undertones
  • 510W deep with warm olive undertones
  • 520W deep with warm golden undertones
  • 530N deep with neutral red undertones
  • 540C deep with cool red undertones
  • 550C deep with cool neutral undertones
  • 560W deep with warm golden undertones
  • 570N deep with neutral blue undertones

Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer, $19.00 (New, Permanent)

Featuring a convenient doe foot applicator, this foundation delivers pure pigments packed in a serum-like base, making it easy to blend and build coverage while evening out skin tone and hiding the look of pores—no clogging or caking. With a botanical blend of lotus, gardenia, and water lily, it calms and nourishes skin for comfortable long wear in 48 shades. For dry skin, it is recommended to moisturize and then follow with Always an Optimist Primer (sold separately) for best results.

  • 100W light with warm golden undertones
  • 110N light with neutral golden undertones
  • 120C light with cool peach undertones
  • 130N light with neutral beige undertones
  • 140C light with cool beige undertones
  • 150C light with cool peach undertones
  • 160C light with cool pink undertones
  • 170W light with warm olive undertones
  • 180W light with warm peach undertones
  • 190W light medium with warm golden undertones
  • 200C light medium with cool beige undertones
  • 210N light medium with neutral beige undertones
  • 220C light medium with cool pink undertones
  • 230N light medium with neutral olive undertones
  • 240W light medium with warm golden undertones
  • 250W light medium with warm peach undertones (Selena’s shade)
  • 260N light medium with neutral peach undertones
  • 270N light medium with neutral beige undertones
  • 280N light medium with neutral olive undertones
  • 290N medium with neutral golden undertones
  • 300C medium with cool beige undertones
  • 310W medium with warm peach undertones
  • 320W medium with warm golden undertones
  • 330N medium with neutral beige undertones
  • 340C medium with cool beige undertones
  • 350C medium with cool pink undertones
  • 360W medium with warm olive undertones
  • 370N medium with neutral golden undertones
  • 380W medium deep with warm golden undertones
  • 390C medium deep with cool peach undertones
  • 400W medium deep with warm golden undertones
  • 410N medium deep with neutral peach undertones
  • 420N medium deep with neutral olive undertones
  • 430W medium deep with warm olive undertones
  • 440C medium deep with cool neutral undertones
  • 450N medium deep with neutral golden undertones
  • 460W medium deep with warm olive undertones
  • 470C medium deep with cool peach undertones
  • 480W deep with warm neutral undertones
  • 490C deep with cool red undertones
  • 500N deep with neutral golden undertones
  • 510W deep with warm olive undertones
  • 520W deep with warm golden undertones
  • 530N deep with neutral red undertones
  • 540C deep with cool red undertones
  • 550C deep with cool neutral undertones
  • 560W deep with warm golden undertones
  • 570 N deep with neutral blue undertones

, $20.00 (New, Permanent)

This hydrating, whipped matte formula glides on for full-on color and a featherweight feel that stays comfortable all day with no drying or caking. Made with a botanical blend of lotus, gardenia, and white waterlily, plus Vitamin E, it nourishes while smoothing out lips with a soft blurring effect.

  • Courage nude mauve
  • Brave muted terracotta
  • Fearless deep mauve rose
  • Thrilling true brown
  • Motivate watermelon pink
  • Inspire bright red (Selena’s go-to shade)
  • Ascend deep fuschia
  • Energize bright coral
  • Strengthen dark cool red
  • Heroic true berry
  • Transform deep wine
  • Daring muted lavender

With Gratitude Dewy Lip Balm, $16.00 (New, Permanent)

With sheer color and soft shine, this tinted lip balm wraps lips in weightless hydration that lasts all day so they feel nourished and nurtured. With shea butter and a botanical blend of lotus, gardenia, and white waterlily, it cushions lips while building color so they look fuller and healthier.

  • Honor clear
  • Praise muted peach
  • Blessed bright coral
  • Empathy rose mauve
  • Thankful nude mauve
  • Appreciate cool brown
  • Support plum brown
  • Compliment muted berry

Soft Pinch Liquid Blush, $20.00 (New, Permanent)

Create a pinch-perfect flush using this featherweight formula infused with long-lasting pigments that last all day. Available in matte or dewy finishes, this liquid blush blends beautifully to create soft, buildable color with a natural, second-skin finish.

  • Happy dewy cool pink
  • Joy dewy muted peach
  • Lucky dewy hot pink
  • Grateful dewy true red
  • Bliss matte nude pink
  • Love matte terracotta
  • Grace matte bright rose mauve

Positive Light Liquid Luminizer Highlight, $22.00 (New, Permanent)

Packed with light-reflecting pearl particles and a botanical blend of lotus, gardenia, and white waterlily, this multidimensional formula lends skin a dewy glow in seconds. Mix this weightless liquid highlighter with foundation or layer it across the high points of the face for instant radiance.

  • Faith matte deep berry
  • Enlighten champagne
  • Enchant soft pink
  • Mesmerize rose bronze (Selena’s go-to shade)
  • Outshine true gold
  • Transcend rose gold
  • Flaunt bronze gold
  • Captivate copper
  • Reflect deep bronze

Additional Products, $5.00 to $26.00 (New, Permanent)

  • Blot & Glow Touch-Up Kit ($26.00)
  • Perfect Strokes Matte Liquid Liner ($19.00)
  • Always an Optimist Illuminating Primer ($26.00)
  • Brow Harmony Pencil & Gel ($22.00) Eight shades
  • Always an Optimist Prime & Set Mist ($24.00)
  • Liquid Touch Foundation Brush ($28.00)
  • Liquid Touch Multi-Tasking Makeup Sponge (14.00)
  • Liquid Touch Conecaler Brush ($16.00)
  • Blot & Glow Powder Puff Refill ($15.00)
  • Blot & Glow Blotting Paper Refill ($5.00)

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Launches September 9th

from Temptalia

So I watched a video the other day about the different prophets graves and their wives and children. The first one was Hawa (eve) who they say her grave is in Jeddah, is this true? As well as that there was one of Noah but idk where it was, the caskets were very large as I suspect as they were apparently very tall people, also, I didn't finish the video as I wanted to find out if it was reliably or not but they said that Musa has grave as well, is this true as I was told that he was told he would be buried a stone's throw away from the holy land (Palestine/Jerusalem). Last year one of my Islamic studies teachers told me that he does have a grave and it is outside of Jerusalem, I just wanted to check if it is right on thesethe video

submitted by /u/Amisonprime
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from Islam

Non-muslim here,

I just wanted to ask that does Islam promote the destruction, defacing of statues of different religions or is it just that some people take the teachings in opposite way and go onto destroying and shattering beliefs of others.

submitted by /u/BetterThanYou155
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from Islam
Beautiful Ring Structure of Surah al-Masad (Tabbat yadaa abi lahabin watabb)

Surah al-Masad (The Palm-Fiber) is a unique surah in that it is wholly dedicated to the condemnation of two individual disbelievers from the time of the Messenger ﷺ.

It is one of the shorter suar and appears to be organized in a ring structure.

The surah begins with the immediate condemnation of the uncle of the Messenger ﷺ, Abu Lahab (A). On the opposite end of the surah (A’) lies the condemnation and punishment for Abu Lahab’s disbelieving wife. In the case of Abu Lahab, Allah ﷻ mentions his "hands” and for the wife, her “neck.”

In Section B, Allah ﷻ tells us that the wealth and actions of Abu Lahab will not protect him from the Fire. In B’, his wife is told the same thing. “The carrier of firewood” actually holds multiple meanings (Arabic source) which describe both her livelihood and her actions. On one hand, it tells of her job wherein she used to transport firewood for people. On the other, it is a reference to how she used to drop wood and kindling in the path of the Messenger ﷺ to obstruct his path. Taken together, neither her wealth nor her actions will benefit her.

The center contains the main thesis of the surah. Abu Lahab (and his wife) have been condemned to the Fire for their insolence towards the Messenger ﷺ. Abu Lahab is actually the nickname of the uncle and translates to “the father of the flame,” which is a reference to his handsomeness and reddish skin tone. In an ironic play on words, Allah ﷻ uses the same word, "lahab (flame)” to describe the Flame which Abu Lahab is destined to enter.

In summary, the surah appears to be organized as so:

وَاللَّهُ أَعلَمُ - And Allah knows best


Personal research and reflections

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submitted by /u/emunir
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from Islam

How do I deal with Islamophobes online?

Salaam brothers and sisters.

I’m a 15 year old who is frequently on the internet. Because of that and the nature of the internet, I encounter islamophobes a lot in my encounters. Either I get in an argument with them and they start saying bad things to me or have said bad things about Muslims from the start.

I also witness just terrible stuff, and see people just commenting about Islamic hate. This stuff really messes with me, in which I can’t bear it.

I don’t think it’s healthy for me whenever I encounter an Islamophobe I basically can’t stop feeling terrible and bad for the rest of the day. It makes me feel sick and I can’t even cry my stress away. Sometime it gets physical where I can’t sleep for a little.

I just hate when these things happen and it really slowly eats at my heart and withers my hope in humanity away. I’m also going to cut off social media because I’m spending too much time on it, would it be smart to cut out these places online? I know you guys and gals on Reddit are still here so how do you deal with it? How do you see the hatred of people and go on with your day like nothing happens? Or do you?

Is there any way, other than cutting out everything, to endure these encounters? Thanks all, I hope y’all have a blessed day.

submitted by /u/AverageJarOfMilk
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from Islam

I'm entering college (I'm in the USA) and my parents want me to get a bank account and my first credit card. Obviously I understand that I'll need one but I'm super financially illiterate and super super scared of riba. I don't know much about how banks work and I'm terrified to accidentally get into riba. My dad is trying to get me a credit card but to my understanding they use interest but he says if I pay them on time I won't be paying interest. I don't know. I'm just so scared of falling into such an awful sin.

Anyway what do you guys do in terms of cards and bank accounts? How do you make sure you don't fall into riba? Do you have a debit or credit card?

submitted by /u/razan523
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from Islam

Cmon, we can't be such a low hanging fruit that both sides are tryna get each other removed and trying to spread as much hate as possible. I get having a debate but nearly all this stuff is just insulting and arguing against each other. We know better, we should strive to no hang low no matter the case. Edit: I should probably clarify this is to do with r/IslamUnveiled

submitted by /u/DaAceGamer
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from Islam

I want you to go and watch a video on a atheist trashing a religion. The like to dislike ratio is most likely bias towards the like. However when you go to an Islamic video on atheism the like to dislike ratio is curved towards dislikes. Why am I saying this. To me it’s clear Muslims didn’t mass dislike bomb these videos. The point I wanna make is that to those who think atheists are more rational and put feeling over fact. They don’t for if they did believe this you wouldn’t go to Islamic videos and dislike them. That’s petty, and primarily from a feeling of bitterness.

submitted by /u/tafurid
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from Islam