How do I deal with Islamophobes online?

Salaam brothers and sisters.

I’m a 15 year old who is frequently on the internet. Because of that and the nature of the internet, I encounter islamophobes a lot in my encounters. Either I get in an argument with them and they start saying bad things to me or have said bad things about Muslims from the start.

I also witness just terrible stuff, and see people just commenting about Islamic hate. This stuff really messes with me, in which I can’t bear it.

I don’t think it’s healthy for me whenever I encounter an Islamophobe I basically can’t stop feeling terrible and bad for the rest of the day. It makes me feel sick and I can’t even cry my stress away. Sometime it gets physical where I can’t sleep for a little.

I just hate when these things happen and it really slowly eats at my heart and withers my hope in humanity away. I’m also going to cut off social media because I’m spending too much time on it, would it be smart to cut out these places online? I know you guys and gals on Reddit are still here so how do you deal with it? How do you see the hatred of people and go on with your day like nothing happens? Or do you?

Is there any way, other than cutting out everything, to endure these encounters? Thanks all, I hope y’all have a blessed day.

submitted by /u/AverageJarOfMilk
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