Maybe its just me I don't know, this is essentially a rant. There is so much focus on what we are doing wrong and how we are in such a bad state, and how the muslims before us were so great and we are so terrible.

If you search for lectures on the Mercy of Allah, you will find so few full-length lectures, and a bunch of 5 minute reminders. Buf there are millions of lectures on any given topic of some sin we are doing. "Ar Rahman Ar Raheem" is in Surah Fatihah which we recite 17 times per day, but no focus is given to it.

What makes this worse, after a 1 hour lecture about some sin, there is a 1 minute message "But even if you are struggling, don't despair the mercy of Allah because despairing is worse then any other sin!". Great! now I feel EVEN worse because not only am I doing that sin you just berated me over for 60 minutes, I am having trouble not despairing so I'm the worst possible condition.

Its possible I'm the one with mental problems and everyone else doing fine, then its just my fault and I need to change instead of complaining.

submitted by /u/w33dwick
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