Whenever you look online (even on mundane sites like wikipedia) you'll find a long list of bad things which happen in these countries and it's kinda hard to grasp.

For instance, I'm Indian Muslim. But if I look at Wikipedia I'll find a long list of horrible things that Indian / Pakistani muslims do, from stuff like forced marriages to honour killings, but I look at my family and myself and I don't see that at all. I'm sure an Iraqi / Iranian / Saudi / Lebanese / Whatever muslim would probably find similar info and then go 'wait a minute, I don't know anyone who does this', and it doesn't quite make sense.

Some might say my family is very educated and that they know better, but we're still deeply religious and traditionalist. So I'm quite confused in this instance, does it mean our societies are 'broken' and need reformation? Do things like that really happen and are they on such a large scale? Or is it just statistical bias, for instance you'll hear about hour a thousand murders in the US but obviously it's rare to see one happen in most places.

I think many muslims who live in the east are decent people, they don't beat their wives, don't rape people, don't kill others wrongly, but we also hear alot about it happening in our countries to the point that it gives a negative impression. For instance, if one reads about the section on 'Women' in the wiki page for Afghanistan, they'd get the impression that 90% of afghan men sexually abuse women, which is pretty bullshit to even think about.

So what's quite the truth here? My gist is that these things do happen in our societies, and they do need to be fixed, but they're a) not on the scale as claimed by many western intellectuals, and b) done only because some people are poor and destitute, otherwise most people are against it. At the same time, it's also hard to feel a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among Muslims if there are a large majority who do bad things. Or perhaps, it could be that Muslim society is broken as a result of colonization, which is what most people tend to go with.

With that being said, there has always historically been a large divide of knowledge between what actually happens in the East and what the West reports on the East. And you'll find some really awful lies people write about us.

submitted by /u/vinylmaster2000
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