So I’ll be honest, until recently I wasn’t praying all 5, but alhamdulillah I am now. As a Hanafi (my family is hanafi), I also recently started praying witr since it is wajib. I was under the impression that only wajib was necessary, and the one to leave out wajib acts is sinful. However, I recently learned that sunnah muakkadah acts are also “required,” otherwise the person is sinful.

I know we should try to emulate the Prophet SAWS as much as possible, but it’s a lot for me to pray all the sunnah muakkadah prayers along with the fardh and wajib. I’m not really sure what to do. If I change my madhab it feels like I’m just following my desires, which truthfully it would be. At the same time, I’m burnt out from having to do all these prayers.

I know you’ll say that I should work up to completing them all, but it’s kind of a burden on me right now. I’m at the point where I don’t care if I’m sinning for not praying the sunnah muakkadah prayers. That’s not right of me, but it’s how I feel. No one in my family prays except me, and when I told them about this position they accused me of extremism, so I can’t really turn to my family.

Any help?

submitted by /u/ferdous12345
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