Hello everyone, just a short intro on me. I suffer from a mental illness, although I don't really think I have it anymore. I believe it got treated by The Holy Quran.

But what I've realized is that when I listen to music it feels like my paranoia is coming back (I suffer from delusions and insomnia), if you're interested you can research about it. I've learned from my own experience that music harms me, I never believed the scholars. I'm just thinking I shouldn't have been so naive with the internet. There's so much misinformation out there, and it's getting harder to find whats really good for you and what isn't.

On another note, I have decided that I'm going to change! I've started actively listening to the Quran again and want to become a Qari! I really want to change. Let's change together, me and you, from today!

submitted by /u/zezimasasshole
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