As-Salam-u-Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak! To give myself a little backstory, my dad was raised Hindu (he's Indian), my mother was raised christian (she's American), which resulted in me basically being raised as an atheist.

Over time, with no guidance from my parents and living in a highly Christian area, I decided to try out Christianity but I could never seem to stick to it no matter the amount of resources I've had. I decided to break away from the "social norm" and try out Buddhism which I didn't enjoy due to the lack of community HOWEVER I must say, that was the most mentally healthy I have ever been. I decided to try out Hinduism to hopefully relate to half of my families culture but I could never wrap my head around the idea of polytheism.

About 8 months ago, I came to college and happened across a beautiful girl whom I'm now dating. She's Bangladeshi and Muslim (yes I know we're not supposed to date) but it would be very nice to have someone help me with conversion. I have been slowly reading the Quran for a couple weeks now and I was wondering if there are any possible support groups or people that I could go to with questions.

Any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/SBunsen
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