Hello, I don't know if its the sub for what I'm about to say, you can ban me if it isn't, anyway, I consider myself a muslim person (because I was born in a muslim family and have been following muslim rituals as my family does it too). In a world where currently muslim genocide ( Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Libya, recently Burma, China and much more) is happening (does this sub deny it? I don't know), where Muslims are recognised as terrorists (where Allahu-Akbar-boom bomb goes off jokes are fairly normal) and where I, a person from Muslim family don't feel safe in public because of the backlash I receive because of the religion, I've been having second thoughts.

I've studied a lot about Muslim history, Quran and other religions, and to me as much as our religious book makes sense, so do others.

Today, if I was born in any other family, I could be a Jew, a Christian, or a Buddhist. The thing is, I didn't choose my religion, it was predetermined.

Jews always get the soft spot because of the Holocaust. But no one seems to care about the muslim genocides that are hundred times larger than the Holocaust.

I have heard stories how belief is rewarded, I've read stories in Quran how belief is and will be rewarded, but in fact, I have never, encountered in any shape or form, neither experienced, any reward, or any luck due to my muslim beliefs.

To me, our religion right now just feels like an written law to well being, good behaviour, and a hope for a better future. Which is true for most of the big religions. What differentiates Muslims?

All these have been giving me a second thoughts on the belief on a particular religion. From a certain and most general point of view, every religion looks the same to me.

Typing this as I'm performing the fasting, even though I am convinced that it is just to go with the flow of my family and not to satisfy our religious needs.

Just needed to get this off my chest. I believe this Ramadan will be deciding time for the future of my belief(s).

Thank you. May you find what it is you're looking for in life.

submitted by /u/ozymandiaszx
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