Hello everyone!

A little bit of background first:

I'm a veterinary surgeon in the UK and work in an area where a high proportion of the community are Muslim. I was recently in a consultation with a client for a health check of a new kitten and brought up the topic of neutering. I always bring up this topic at kitten consults because neutering reduces the risk of roaming, fighting with other cats, spraying in the house and also for population control.

We had a very interesting an intellectual conversation as (completely unbeknown to me), there appears to be a divide over whether it's okay to do so.

I was hoping some people may be able to enlighten me on the various issues around this topic so I can further help my patients by really understanding the complexities around this topic. I do have a copy of the Quran however I can't read more than a few words of it, yet alone understand it in detail!

submitted by /u/unsuitableshoes
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