Asalamalaikum brothers and sisters,

Disclaimer: I apologize if this question is not allowed or if you find it too outrageous.

My eldest brother who has always been a devout Muslim, often reminding me to pray, preaching to fast, asking my parents to find him an educated, devout Muslim girl for marriage did a 180 as a person in the last few years.

Back in 2013 he became smitten with a girl, from the moment I saw her she gave me a bad vibe. Besides the fact that she was literally the exact opposite of what he always spoke of wanting in a spouse, being near her always gave me a cold soulless vibe. If you look at her eyes it just felt cold and made my skin crawl. She did not have friends and was very manipulative towards people.

My family begged him to stop seeing her but he protested and left the family to live with her which brought great pain to my parents. In the time he spent with her he renounced Islam, he became very disrespectful towards my entire extended family, cut out all his friends.

He gave up all his interests and basically his personality became her personality. Her interests became his interests and nothing else. It was as if he was possessed or something. He works a high paying job but every penny goes to jewelry for her, high end restaurants and big UberEats orders, and lots of alcohol as I know she is a big drinker. (His bank statements had been mailed to the house until my dad confronted him). It was as if he now lived and worked to just give her things as she did not work. Ontop of that she spent his money to get breast implants, lip injections, and glute implants. All to show off in scantily clad photos on Facebook. He says nothing! (Men comment on these photos and he says nothing.)

Against the wishes of my family he married her in a non-denominational marriage. At this point he does not speak to any family members including my parents, any friends.

In saying all this, I once visited the home they lived at together. There was a room that was closed off. Every room had a door you could kind of see through in the right light but this had a big black door. At one point they went to go pickup food and a cake and left me at home with their cat. I decided to peep into this room and what I found was three Satan idols on a shrine, a satanic prayer rug, and a book shelf with books about Satanism as well as black magic and Wiccan books talking about spells and such.

Is it plausible at all to believe that she performed some sort of black magic on my brother and has possessed him to an extent?

Is there any way for my family to tackle this aside from prayer?

Thank you for any input.


submitted by /u/rsyed94
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from Islam
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