assalamu alaikum :/ i am 16 and have been muslim my whole life i really believe the strongest my iman has ever been was last year when i was 15 i felt connected to my religion and believed in what it said but all of a sudden over the past few months ive been flooded with soooo many doubts and so much uncertainty regarding life and the afterlife and god and everything in general and its reallllyyyyy messing with me all i want is to believe again i feel like a massive part of me is missing but every time a lecture is on the tv or i try to research into something i want an answer to i end up just sobbing because im so overwhelmed by the fact that ive just lost everything that felt certain to me (people who know me know i NEVER cry so this is a rlly big thing) i would have never considered myself a blind believer in the past but now that im experiencing thisss level of doubts im starting to think maybe i was just agreeing with things because everyone around me was, i would appreciate some advice or reassurance that inshallah this is just a phase :( islam is so important to me i dont want to not beleive in its truth bc rn im just so unsure and its killing me

submitted by /u/tcishaf9
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