Assalamu Alaikum, I am I a revert and I have some concerns. I have been practicing as much as I can lately but I have had one struggle I have been fighting. I want to go back to my old ways. I tried psychedelics once in my life but I didn't experience to the fullest amount. I tried psilocybin mushrooms a while back. The urge to try them again/grow them and start taking them more often has really been a hard desire to let go of the past week. At first I thought that the desire would go in a few days but it hasn't. It has just gotten stronger. How do I get rid of these desires and bring my love for the deen back? As well as my iman? I keep asking myself "why didn't Allah specifically mention to us about these psychedelics the Quran". because most psychedelics are made from nature without adding any chemicals. When you take these substances they open a new door and a whole new world so why didn't Allah mention Anything about these foods/plants. I understand that allah mentions to us that Khamr is impermissible and anything that intoxicates us is Haraam. But psychedelics are a whole new thing they make the experience is so crazy. And the fact that they grow from the ground and they are all natural makes me wonder. How? It also makes me think, WHY? why did allah create such a crazy mind altering food (Magic mushrooms for example) and not mention anything about it in his religion.
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